Cheap SACD Player or wait for DVD Audio?

Do I understand there is a new Sony player for a reasonable price? Has anyone auditioned or purchased this unit? I heard the $5000 one and thought it looked and sounded great but found the price tag a bit steep given the number of titles available. I would love advice from any gurus on this format
Simontju - thanks for all the helpful info. As for waiting, I think anyone who wants a great DVD player and also values great 2-channel audio has no reason to wait at this point. I will certainly admit that if the DVD aspect holds no real interest that this may be a closer call, with many new products right around the corner (and hopefully a lot more software), but I paid $900 for my current Sony DVD player and wouldn't think twice about upgrading to a progressive scan ES model from Sony for that price as well, especially if I get to experience SACD as part of the bargain.
To RcPrince: lets be accurate. jerry did not modified 777ES . He bypass entire Sony analog stage and added external analog (tube) stage of Audiologic 2400 ($5.k retail) for $1,200. It was faster and cheaper for him rather then re-design new analog stage for 777ES. Stan Warren, hopefully, will re-design analog stage of 9000ES (he is not "resistor and capacitor" type of guy. He is one of the best audio engineers in this country, He is "S" in PS Audio ("P" is Paul McGowen, designer of PS Plant 300,600 and 1200) also quality parts such as black gate capacitors, appropriate op-amps etc will be added. However, I wish to point out that people who do not like modifications can instead buy better interconnects and speaker cable. Good wire always improve resolution, soundstage etc. Be careful; you can do it with 9000ES because it shows superb accuracy of timbre whereas 777ES exebit non-natural timbre. and it will be emphesized with better wire and will be extremely annoying. Ad you know butter was produced by "bitting" the milk. As much you will "bit" the shit no butter will result. With respect - Simon
Get a cheap sacd. I like the SCD-1 - balanced outputs, and can be used as great transport later on. Sony/Philips/Marantz probably won't come out with a DVD-A. Check out the new multi-purpose players before you buy.
All the junk I have read from audiophiles in this forum and in AudioAsylum (ugh) about SACD make me wonder about this hobby. It is unbelievably clear that most SACD players suck because their analog stages are complete junk, as a poster above highlited. Regular well recorded CDs on a good redbook CD player from Muse (also plays DAD/DVD), Metronome, Ayre, Wadia, etc sound 100x better than SACDs on the pithy Sony SCD1 with its fake balanced outputs. Not to mention that there are genuine question marks about SACD technology. I for one do not intend to take even a passing look at SACDs until some decent players are produced.
Joe, I too would welcome a "high end " manufacturers SACD product, but have you sat down and listed to a SACD player on a decent system for an hour or so yet? When I did, the SACD quality made me wish all my favorite recordings were available in the SACD format. I appreciate the sound of vinyl, and found SACD to be a worthy challenger. It is also early in its development. We will probably see many improvements over time, if the format survives.