Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified

Ok guys,

someone MIGHT pry my Rega Planet out of my (still living) hands IF I can get a consensus on which of these Sony SACD players to purchase and possibly to MOD later.

There's all this hubbub (bub) on AA re: the 333es being an older version of the sacd converter, and the 222es and even the 775 (less than $200 now) being better.

There's the 222es, 333es, 555es, 500v, 775, 9000v, 9000es

I'm looking for a player at $800 total cost.

SO, that leaves a modded 333es, modded 555es, totally modded 775 or 500v, and basically a stock 9000v and stock 9000es.

I just want 2 channel cd/sacd, and dvd only for audio purposes, and only if the player is better anyway (even if it didn't have dvd capabilities).

What up?? Modwright isn't doing mods on the cheaper players any more, Tweakaudio may be (haven't heard back just yet).

Let the knowledge flow!
In the new today ads there's an entry from, about which I know nothing other than it's there and they have a fully modded Sony for $550-585 and seem to offer mods for the cheaper ones. You might want to inquire of them, but there is no current feedback so I don't know how good this guy is. Stan Warren is another, well-respected modifier who would be good for you to talk with concerning the cheaper SACD players and what he can do--his mods are very good and inexpensive, more than worth the money spent from all reports. No Sony warranty, of course.
I own a modded 333ES and can attest that mods do offer a significant upgrade to the stock units - but its my impression that the redbook presentation realized larger benefits than the SACD section.

In your price zone you could get one of Matt's ( completed units and have money left over for some software. I believe the 222ES can now be bought for under $400 which would leave money for mods. Not sure what the 555ES is now going for but I'm not sure you can buy one a get the mods done within your budget but I guess there is no harm in inquiring with Stan or Ric.

A local chap just took delivery of a modded 775 from Matt Anker so we are trying to set-up a show-down between my "Kerned" 333ES, his machine and a stock 555ES. Unfortunately, all of our respective systems are not functioning so who knows when we'll get out shit together...

It would be my advice to get a multi-channel machine even if you are a 2 channel guy as there are reported problems with 2 channel players playing multi-channel discs.
Rgd, a friend of mine is looking into modding his 777ES, I'd be interested in hearing how your shootout turns out. I'm bringing my 777ES with the Jerry Ozment tubed output stage mod (alas, no longer available) to his house tonight to let him hear if a good mod is worth it, then he'll be checking out the various options.

Thanks guys, keep it coming!!

Incedentally, Rgd, you mean, when a 2-channel machine plays a multi-channel disc in 2 channel mode, there have been problems?

I assume that you mean this instead of a 2 ch trying to play multi discs in multichannel mode?

G13 - Yes to your 1st statement. All sacd discs that are noted as multi-channel also have a 2 channel layer so one can play it on a 2 channel player. The problem arises when a 2 channel player begins to negotiate its way onto the multi-channel layer (which its not supposed to do) and a loud "white noise" appears.

With fingers crossed I advise this has not yet happened to my 333ES player although I only have 2 multi-channel SACD discs at the present time...