Cheap Sony SACD players: best STOCK/MODified

Ok guys,

someone MIGHT pry my Rega Planet out of my (still living) hands IF I can get a consensus on which of these Sony SACD players to purchase and possibly to MOD later.

There's all this hubbub (bub) on AA re: the 333es being an older version of the sacd converter, and the 222es and even the 775 (less than $200 now) being better.

There's the 222es, 333es, 555es, 500v, 775, 9000v, 9000es

I'm looking for a player at $800 total cost.

SO, that leaves a modded 333es, modded 555es, totally modded 775 or 500v, and basically a stock 9000v and stock 9000es.

I just want 2 channel cd/sacd, and dvd only for audio purposes, and only if the player is better anyway (even if it didn't have dvd capabilities).

What up?? Modwright isn't doing mods on the cheaper players any more, Tweakaudio may be (haven't heard back just yet).

Let the knowledge flow!
With respect to Rgd's point on the problem with multi-channel discs, I can report no problems so far with my modded 777ES, which is a two-channel player, knock on wood. By the way, my friend is now looking seriously into mods--I had not been able to hear my modded 777ES vs. a stock one head to head till last night, and it was a revelation both on SACD and redbook--probably some of the best money I ever spent in this hobby. What a difference a better digital clock, a high-quality output stage (tubed, in my case, but not the point) and a separate, no-holds-barred analog power supply can make!

On which model to get, I tend to agree with Nrchy's point, principally because the transports on the more expensive units seem to be much more robust and well-made and have better power supplies on the digital side. However, part of your decision will rest on which modifier you want to use and which models he works on. I know that Stan Warren had a mod for the 9000ES which reportedly was very good, and very cost-effective as well (in the $250 range, I think). Good luck--I think you'll be surprised how good a custom-made piece (that's what these mods essentially are) can sound against any stock unit.
Yes, I know the 777es and the 9000es are tops, but I need to know about MODified cheaper players, and how they stack up. Keep the info coming!!
Wow, you can take a Sony 333ES, have it modified, and even with shipping costs it will sound almost as good as the stock 9000ES for only $200.00 more than the 9000!
Trich727 - I've heard a stock 9000ES and while I'd give it a the edge in stock form vs my previous stock 333ES, after the 333ES was modded it seriously trounced the stock 9000ES. Now modded vs modded may be an entirely different story...
For anyone who may not have seen it--Ric Schultz at EVS( has done a nice little overview of what's possible with various CD, SACD, and Universal players. Go into the "What's New" section and work your way to the "Players" section, which is where he lists various players he is or is considering working on and their mod potential. It's pretty subjective and involves mostly educated guesses at this point, but I found some interesting bits of information in there, and Ric is a no BS guy who really knows his stuff. His discussion of his different levels of mods is also fairly interesting and insightful as to why some modders may be better than others. For what it's worth...
