Heavy Kit / Power Supply upgrade for Nottingham?

I have been so happy with my new Nottingham Spacedeck that I am contemplating the Heavy Kit and Power Supply upgrade. If I had known how well the Nottingham would work in my system I would have bought the Hyperspace. (had no way to audition Nottingham TTs so bought it based on what I had read) The upgrades are a bit pricey but after 3 months with the Spacedeck, I don't think I will be putting any more money in digital for some time. The Spacedeck is way more fun than my old ARC transport / DAC 1 which I let go.

My system is comprised of the following components which were purchased used over the last few years, except for the Nottingham:

ARC PH2 phonostage
ARC Ref 1 Preamp
Soundlab Dynastat Speakers
2 Golden Tube Audio SE-40s vertically bi-amped.

I am torn between upgrading the GTA amplifiers to Rogue M-120 monoblocks or doing the turntable upgrade. My listening room is small and don't really feel the need for more power but I think I need balanced in amps to take full advantage of the ARC Ref 1.

So do I do the turntable upgrade first or the amp upgrade? I can audition the Rogue monoblocks in my system but not the Spacedeck upgrades. The Spacedeck upgrade would be a leap of faith. (but then so was the Spacedeck purchase) Any ideas?

Hey, Ken Caterham is alive! Hmmm, I'm going for a power supply upgrade for my TT next month, GW. I would look at Ridgestreetaudio's system before you think of changing amps. He's got a pair of heavily modified SE-40's and made his own TT. Robert makes great cables and also modifies gear. You might want to talk to him about modding your power amps:


What is a hifi squid?
An Audio Asylum inmate recommended the Mystic Mat for Nottingham TT's. His dealer, Definitive Audio, had them made and sold them for ~$150 at that time. Somewhat similar to the heavy Kit platter in that it's carbon/graphite but much thinner/less expensive. Now that the Mystic is imported to the US, it's $300.
If you're mainly considering a high performance platter mat, take a look at the Boston Design's Mat 1.
My experience to date on several other decks has been very positive.I suspect it would be an excellent adjunct to a Spacedeck.
Unlike other mats I've tried,it doesn't alter the spectral balance nor destroy pace and flow, upping fine resolution and detail but without hifi artifice.msrp US$195.

4yanx and I exchanged some e-mails about the Mystic Mat, hoping we could somehow still get one direct at a cheaper price (NO!). He went with the Boston mat, so maybe he'll be able to comment on its performance with the Spacedeck.
I have the Mat-1 on a Spacedeck and I love it. I also tried it on my buddy's Interspace with the same results. Improves dynamics and focus and just makes the whole presentation more involving.
