Power Cords: Acoustic Zen vs Dave Elrod.Your View?

I've nailed down my next power cord upgrade to either the Acoustic Zen krakatoa/Gargantua or the Dave Elrod EPS2/3. Anyone has listened to both? Any opinion? How are they different? I am looking for a cord that is transparent, musical and opens up the soundstage without any harshness. I live in Singapore, in Asia, and as it is often here, dealers don't carry the products I want. So I am really buying 'blind' and appreciate the views of contributors/audiophiles on this forum as this will form the research/basis for my purchase. Thanks in advance.

Hello acw@!

My post is not quite a follow up to your tread.
Anyway, I hope you will answer it...

For some time now I was looking for the web sites similar to the Audiogon but placed in the Far East.
I couldn't fine any.

As you live in Singapore - can you give me a helping hand in this respect?

I have some not very tipical audio equipment (220/240V mains voltage) which is not suitable to trade in in the USA - that's the reason of my question.

Kind regards,
Glassboy: Regarding Elrod Power System - you can find them in Manufacterer List - choose letter "E". Best cords I eaver heard
hi acw,

I live in Singapore (and having lived in the US for a few years), I can understand you predicament.

Have Shunyata and Electraglide pc in my system. Have heard some Acoustic Zen pc but not Dave's creation. IMHO, pc is very system dependant...

Drop me a private e-mail if wish the compare notes.