Kimber 8TC or Alphacore Goertz MI2 Veracity?

My current set-up: MF XRAY, MF X-P100, MF X-AS100, MF X-A200 and B&W CDM9NT. all the poweramps are currently monoblocked and are running on PureSilverSound ICs and QED Silver Anniversaries. The sound tends to be bass shy and leans towards the bright side. I am thinking about Kimber / Alphacore in place of the QED (i know its crap, dun remind me!) to cure the problem. Anybody has any experiences between the 2? many thanx.
The Goertz MI-2 sounds fuller, warmer, more "romantic" and has a "creamier" midrange to it. Out of the two that you mentioned, i would not hesitate to say that the Goertz would be a better choice of the two going by the information that you provided. Use the zobel networks whether you think that you need them or not. Sean
I dont know the others but I own the 8tc cables and they are great ! I have a great source for Kimber at a very good price email me for his info if you like.
Just to let you know and clarify where i'm coming from, i have one system with Goertz in it and another with Kimber 8TC and 4 TC in it. Both are good cables for the money but have different sonic characteristics. I only recommended the Goertz based on the information that you provided. Sean