Kimber 8TC or Alphacore Goertz MI2 Veracity?

My current set-up: MF XRAY, MF X-P100, MF X-AS100, MF X-A200 and B&W CDM9NT. all the poweramps are currently monoblocked and are running on PureSilverSound ICs and QED Silver Anniversaries. The sound tends to be bass shy and leans towards the bright side. I am thinking about Kimber / Alphacore in place of the QED (i know its crap, dun remind me!) to cure the problem. Anybody has any experiences between the 2? many thanx.
Thank you guys. Well chuffed with the responses. I am actually leaned towards the Alphacores as they offer better value (in terms of price) as well. I will take your advice and opt for the Alphacores. The Musical Fidelities needs some warming up definitely. i was thinking of adding a REL Strata III for a fuller sound as well. Anyways thank you for helping me make up my mind. ;) cheers.

thanx for your offer, but its Alphacore which gets my vote.
appreciated your responses.


How long have you had the QED cables? One thing to take into consideration is that silver cables take a heck of a long time to break in. Silver cables sounds bright in a system for about 100 hours or more. When the have a while to break in, the brightness subsides a bit. Peronsal preference is important of course, but you should break them in if you havent already. I think this has something ot do with oxidation, but im no specialist in any sense of the word. :)