Phono preamp advice.

Hi all, I am a new convert to the beauties of LPs. I recently got a MMF7 TT and a Phonomena phonopre. Reading some of the posts here I have noticed that some "in-the'know" folks mention that the phonopre is pretty important. I am meditating a move to the Audio Research PH line and am wondering whether it would be a significant upgrade from my Phonomena. The rest of my gear is a Pass X1 pre to Brystons 7bsst. Feeding B&W 802 S3s. I was hoping for something under 2K if possible. I listen, mostly, to classical and jazz. Any other phonopre recommendations would be welcomed also.
Although I do listen to CDs I am a bit amazed at the musicality I hear from analog.
Thank you.
Arafel, I am sorry I forgot in my last post to ask...what were the significant differences you noted between the Eroica that came with the MMF7 and your new Benz? Also, did your CJ phonopre work well with the HO of your cartridge? Any noise,etc.?
Thanks, N.
The Olympic committee? No-the belt drive committee! You will see rt over and over and over: someone buying a belt drive TT and then spending MORE money on upgrading cartridge, tonearm wires, phono preamp. Truth is their platters are *uncapable* of delivering the goods. Fifty percent of the music is in the record--the other 50% (the time domain axis) is the platter's responsibility.

One of the KAB 1200 mods is an outboard power supply. The change has been so dramatic that I wonder how those flimsy belt drives that rely on house AC power to regulate the speed perform at all! If the motor is not servo driven the speed will change as the belt stretches. It's a real mess--don't let anyone fool you. The music will not sound crisp and alive.
Lachobba, I don't know if the Pro-Silway or Wireworld are shielded. Many interconnects are not. I'm sure their websites would say, but this is actually a red herring.

My system doesn't even require a phono cable. Many high end tonearms include a hard-wired cable, so don't spend big money on one until you're sure you're going to need it.

The source-first argument applies here too: the world's best phono cable can't improve a signal. I doubt either of your existing cables would hinder the music as much as your present source components. This is also what Psychicanimal is saying, in his inimitable way. :)
Got it, Dougdeacon, as my husband says, "what matters is what's up-front!" (Can you believe I let him get away with that bs. after 25 years?) Anyway, he's the digital gargoyle in the household (Mr. Papa's-Got-A- Brand-New-Wadia), although he does admit that there is "something" to this LP thingy.
Wadia gonna do? Thanks again.
Dougdeacon, you have NO idea what I just did this past weekend: I installed a $300 cartridge on a belt drive TT that's not worth $20. The cartridge was picked by Audiogon's analog--and Teres--guru! That Fritz Geiger knife is going to carve those records pretty good--and in the process get dull *real* fast! Hey, what can I do--this person has heard my creature on steroids several times and hasn't learned from me. I'll wait till he complains about record wear. I'll have some extra strength Advil gelcaps ready...