Best source of lead shot?

Where do you think I can buy some lead shot to fill mys stands? How much can I expect to pay per pound?
Listen to Rhard...lead shot is a problem looking for a place to happen.

The lead-based-paint thing is no accident. Federal law requires any home that was built prior to 1978 have a Lead Based Paint Disclosure available to any potential buyer(along with other notices and/or disclosures that may vary by state) when it is placed on/in the market. There is even a 10k fine if the seller/broker doesn't do this. ...

Lead shot may not be as known a concern as lead based paint is..but why take the risk?

Why?.., lead paint is a serious health concern for young childern.

Sorry, but this is not subtle...look it up on the "net".
Lead shot IS NOT in the same category as lead paint. The hazard of lead paint is twofold: 1) Sanding old surfaces produce lead dust, even if the original lead paint is sealed under several layers of non-lead paint. Inhalation is EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS FOR CHILDREN! 2) Bright paint chips and flakes are naturally attractive items for young children to taste/chew on. I also understand that lead paint chips have a sweet taste (couldn't say personally). Steel shot is quite a bit lighter than lead. If you choose lead, be sure to seal ALL OPENINGS as Rhard suggests. Happy Tunes!
albert: the more relevant question is, why would you want to iron a squid? -cfb