Best source of lead shot?

Where do you think I can buy some lead shot to fill mys stands? How much can I expect to pay per pound?
It comes in 25lb bags at your local shooting supply store. Costs between $12-18 depending on the hardness, brand, and state of the lead supply. If you are really ginky about the lead issue (I believe it is a red herring) you can buy bismuth shot (ingredient in Pepto-Bismol) that is non-toxic but will cost you 3x that much.
We all know that lead is very dangerous and no matter how good we will hide it there always be a harmful dust.

Police department is using steel bullets and steel shots for their shotguns when they shoot in the training range.

And my question is will I improve my speakers if I drop into the load hole steel balls instead of lead shots?
Steel tends to vibrate and create a resonance like a cooper. I believe that I can load my stand with steel balls but the price of 100lB is arround $700.
Call your local Trap club and ask for reclaimed shot. It's a lot cheaper. Good Luck. Shoemaker
Police use steel shot so as not to produce a toxic biohazard (lead) which can leach into the ground water supply! At indoor ranges, nobody would use steel shot because of ricochet problems. The lead can be a hazard because of dust created by impact of the bullet with the backstop. Also, dust can be given off at the muzzle due to the forces generated from the gunpowder explosion. Indoor ranges are heavily ventilated, and some lead bullets are nylon clad to prevent much of the dust. I've gone through this lengthy explanation so that people won't have mis-information resulting in an unfounded paranoia about lead. Filling a stand with lead shot IS NOT GOING TO GENERATE LEAD DUST!!!! Remember, many people were at first afraid of electricity in the house because they feared that it would leak out of the outlets and electrocute them!