I have seen the light.

I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see! Well, after about a 1 year trial and error process, I have finally gotten my TT up and running and kicking some digital ass! Up until now, I had been disappointed in the analog rig I had put together. Benz Glider L2, OL Silver MK1, SOTA Star Sapphire. Comparing it to my digital (EMC1 MK2 SE), and with several phono stages (Benz Lukasheck PP-1, Lehman Black Cube/PWX, ARC SP9 MK2) it just never excited me. I knew I was getting close with the phono in my Supratek Syrah, but now I just added the SOTA Reflex clamp and WOW. My wife and I sat down and listened to one track. She ALWAYS claims she can't hear any difference and immediately picked out the analog as the better sounding, when I played the same track on both and adjusted the volume to match by ear. Although I imagine I will always use lots of CDs due to their convenience (and because I have bought about 600 in the last 5 years), I was blown away by the improvement. Sorry for the ramble (not a rant, since I am a happy camper) but I just had to tell someone.
:-) Color me muddy but happy.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xswampwalker

Isn't the Supratek Syrah just too cool? What a great piece. I had the pleasure of using one in my system recently and it is an incredible performer. With a price tag of $2500 it's a candidate for the best deal in all of audio. I envy you.
Muddy one,

Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing the boat on the new hi-rez formats, but I can't imagine anything sounding much better than my analog front end. Congrats on dialing in your rig, it'll make you rediscover some gems in your music collection and bring the pleasure/joy back into the hobby. Record clamps ought to be considered mandatory, sure makes one helluva difference if I don't use mine that came as standard issue with my Oracle. Sounds like you're going to be really enjoying the holidays! Best, Jeff