Tubed CD Player

I would be interested in hearing from any one with experience with and suggestions for tubed cd players
Hi Dave

I have gone through a string of (I think) 5 or 6 CD players prior to the recent acquistion of a Cary CD303/200 tube player.

I have not heard the other tube players mentioned above and I am certain they are all good players, however for me I have never heard more analog sound from a CD player. The sound is just so non-fatiquing and liquid with a good solid bass output and extended highs. I have been very satisfied.

Whatever your choice, good luck and enjoy.

I have a ARC CD1 with an ARC has 3 6922 tubes...can sound very nice...this combo was about 7k new and can be had rather inexpensively on this very site.
I am an analog guy...but not anti-digital like some on this site...I am willing to keep my ears and my mind open. I think tubes definately take some of the metallic edge off of the silver disc. The CD1 also has an excellent internal convertor and is a bargain used.
tube cd player under $1000 the AH and the jolida jd100
are good choice. Even with upsampler of AH, I prefer
the jolida the performers are in the room.I own a
AH 4000 with upsampler, I like the jolida so natural.
If you find use, grab it, it is a bargain.
I forgot to tell you, After one year the AH I have,
start skipping or the laser not able to read cd's,
Its kind a frustrating, I took care of this cd
carefully, I did not expect this cd to have a
problem for only one year. Well maybe the laser
is defective who knows.Just thought this is a
good information everyone should know, hard earn
dollars should be spend wisely.