Silver DIY Interconnects

I got some 0.6mm silver wire and wan't to make some interconnects. What recipee/s is/are the best based on your experiences?
Sean, I would agree with you on the specs for the gauge. I've tried 24 gauge and it sounded muddy in the upper mid range. I tried twisted pair of 30 gauge ( equivalent to 27.01 gauge.) and it works great for me. I'm still experimenting with slightly thicker gauge to see if I get more lower frequency response. I think working from Chris's web site is a start. Finding your own gauge to fit your own system will be base on trail and error experience.


Sorry for the delay.
The wire is "pure" silver with no "jacket" on it(got it from a Jewelery store). John gave the clarification (thanks)what gauge 0.6mm is. What about the insulation, what materials to use (i won't use teflon as the insulation mainly for cost reasons)? Any further comments are welcome.

Oh, by the way i've red many posts from you Sean and belive to have a "feel" and understanding of your point of view. I know that you don't mean to insult nobody being a Gentleman - you are. Do not worry, there are many (and then some) of us that apreciate your (and others) well meaned and honest opinions and experience.
Hey guys and gals! We realy don't need to "fight" about it. Let everybody pick their choice based on their preferences, needs, etc.

Feel free to recommend specific recipe's of the cable configuration and perhaps give a description how they "sounded" to you.
Many thanks, David.
There are a lot if interesting observations and cable recipies on Jon Risch's web site:
Jon posts a lot in the cable forum at Audio Asylum. He definitely prefers teflon as a dielectric, and I think he has a link where you can buy teflon tube for not much $$.

As to other discussion above, I always enjoy Sean's posts. I am an engineer, and I like to apply science where ever possible. But I find the issue of audio wire and cable to be very humbling. No matter how good the theory may be, in the end it needs to soung good to Albert (and the rest of us) or we need new theory!

Other than ebay, the cheapest place I found for teflon tubing and cardas RCA connectors is
You can also buy the "color coded" teflon tubing for smoother sound
They ship the same day.
Use teflon tape from Home depot. You'll need 520" roll per 4 ft of the cable you're making.
I also use the pure silver 99.9% from the jewelry store and it works fine for me.