Electrocompaniet vs. Resolution Audio

Am considering these players (can get both at same price) or alternatively a Sony Es777 sacd player. Any views on the subject?
I seriously auditioned the EMC and I own the Res. The bottom line with me was that the Res run direct to amp was more transparent and detailed with no loss of dynamics or headroom. They are both damn good but I prefer the no pre amp route. Have fun. Jim
I have an EMC-1 and although, I have not heard the player you have listed. I found the EMC-1 to be very tempermental. I was playing it on glass, big NO NO, so I switched it on to a wood table, much better in every way. Then I pulled off there feet and used racing cones #4, again a big improvement again. This CD player has to be the twickiest thing I have came across.
I have owned both the Cd-50 and Cd-55 as well as the EMC-1 and they are all very good. The Res. and Electro sound different and IMO it is not a question of better or worse only what is your preference. Try and hear them both and your choice will probably be clear as to which is best for you.