Cable vs. Electronics: biggest bang for the buck

I recently chronicled in a review here, my experience with a very expensive interconnect. The cables cost nearly $7000 and are well beyond my reach. The issue is, the Pursit Dominus sound fantastic. Nothing in my stereo has ever sounded so good. I have been wondering during and since the review how much I would have to spend to get the same level of improvement. I'm sure I could double the value of my amp or switch to monoblocks of my own amps and not obtain this level of improvement.
So, in your opinion what is the better value, assuming the relative value of your componants being about equal? Is it cheaper to buy, great cables or great electronics? Then, which would provide the biggest improvement?
WMmcmanus, apologies to you and to all the others, for my selfishly misusing this thread to veer off on a tangent from it together with ASA. Glad, we didn't get any flak, which would have been quite understandable but also shows the generosity of our colleagues here.
For myself, I've learnt the importance of wires through the years and I try to use them as discernedly as I am able to, it makes me always uncomfortable however, if I feel tempted to use ic's as an instrument to better voice my system. I only try to do that as a last resort, when everything else fails. Basically wires should neither add nor subtract anything from a well set-up rig, but that is purist theory, I suppose. Cheers,
Muralman, I was wondering how long you could listen to my posts without saying something; always something about me but never at me (where's 6ch to tag team with you?). Three Asa mentions in one paragraph, the foil for your frustration. I guess when we ended our last conversation and I extended an olive branch by saying "Be well" that that didn't stick too long with you? Hmmm...

Again, I will repeat what I said the last time when you and another member started to get things personal (at the expense of cognitive rigor): If you want to have a "mature, reasoned" dialogue, contact me personally. You have my name and number and, again, there won't be an audience.

However, I know, Muralman, what you mean about $7K wires. I'm sure Natalie would point out that that is an extravagence and hardly justifiable given other wires' performance at lesser prices, a valid argument (then again, someone, say a person from Bangledesh, might then point out to you that your $7K is similarly obscene given another context...). But this doesn't seem to be your argument, because underlying it is a tone, one that seems to both lust after more expensive wire while, in value-laden, absolutist tones, decrying its existence at all. Laced through this is a cavalier cynacism just to make sure that we all know your are somehow above such waste - justified by your all-american nuclear family (which, if I remember from our last thread, was the reason that you gave that you couldn't contact me directly, "I have a family and don't have time to do that" et al, evidently a reason you use in several contexts when, er, handy..).

Wmc, in a deeply mature post, is right, on all of it, but I want to be more pointed. I think its crass to say to someone that because I have more expensive wires you can't talk or contribute; many people with great ears and systems use less expensive wire. With that said, however, there are also people who lack a sufficient point of referrence to make absolutist statements, and their continuation in doing so in more symptomatic of their envy, inauthentically directed, than the issues that they are allegedly engaging in (and a single listen to an audio bud's wire does not necessarily solve this, especially when one's psychologocal orientation in biased towards refutation, never a good thing for empiric objectivity...).

Again, Muralman, I am happy that you like your system. But you need to stop diving into threads seeking to provoke people to make yourself feel better about your decisions, family-based, value-based, or what have you. A dollop of self reflection might be in order.

With that said, I, like others here, will be interested in your reactions to your friend's wires and I look forward to that "reasoned, mature" contribution. In THAT context, and regardless of your analog-less existence, I will incorporate your observations with my own and others - which is really what this forum is all about.

Again, thank you all for indulging detlof and myself, and thank you audiogon for allowing it too. I will TRY not to do it too often (Ha, sure! says the grandstand!).
Wmcmanus, I'm sorry if I hurt your sensibilities. That was not my intention. I also didn't mean to insult any of the above. On rereading, I don't see insults, Jung, or Detlof there.

I feel my contribution is on topic and valid. True, I can't make an honest judgement call on Nrchy's cables, because I doubt I will ever run across them. However, I've seen hundreds of magic wire testimonials, usually planted in amp sections, giving the impression without the golden wire, the said component is just OK. It's all made me a bit cynical.

I will now bow out of cableville, realizing I am just a spoil sport to the true believers of cable alchemy.
Oy! Wires are simple conduits whose imperfections can be labelled those of a "filter" of some sort. Amplification devices, CDPs, transducers have MUCH more complicated functions. Thus a reasonable approach is the apply one's resources in proportion to the complexity of the function(s) required, given cost/benefit equations.
The majority of us then agree that the transducers (CDP, TT/catridge, and speakers) need highest priority, then the amplification required to achieve proper SPLs, and then the
appropriately-resolving and MAYBE tonal-coloring cabling required to ice the cake. Does it really have to be any more complicated than that? Ernie (a Maslowian!)