Wow...what a record

I'm sure everybody has said that to themselves at one time or another: you just sit there slack-jawed after the record ends, with your tongue hanging down to your waist, in shock and awe at what you just heard.

Here's two for you: the Classic reissues of the Antill Corroborree (Everest) and the incredible Fiedler/Wild disc of Gershwin (RCA Living Stereo) with the Concerto in F, the I Got Rhythm Variations, and the Cuban Overture. The former may be the best-sounding record, bar none, that I've ever heard (in 35 years of listening). The latter is right up there alongside it in terms of sound, and the performance is stunning beyond words--were Fiedler, the Boston Pops, and Earl Wild *ever* in more spectacular form? The Classic reissues of both are glorious beyond words.

If I didn't own a record player, I think I'd have to buy one just to play these records.

Any particular records strike you in this way--that make the whole endeavor seem worthwhile?
Ain't a record. Itsa box! The Ataulfo Argenta Edition re-issue on Alto. Originally on Alhambra, it is the National Orchestra of Spain.

If you want to go Heifetz-crazy, buy the Classic Records Heifetz box. Nine 200gm LP's, all Heifetz, all the time!