Availability of Wadia

I called my local dealer a couple of weeks ago concerning the availability of Wadia 861. Thay said they had no idea when they'll get the unit. I emailed Wadia afterwards, it took Wadia over two weeks to reply to me, referring me back to my dealer !
Does anyone know what's going on with Wadia products these days ? Instead of spending $8000 on a 861 I am now inclining to buy a cheaper SACD machine like the Sony SCD-777ES instead. Can anyone advise please. Thanks.
Thanks for the info. Good to learn that the company is alive. I emailed Wadia a few days ago but have no reply yet. Their slow response just makes me a bit concerned. I think I'm going to put a hold on my planned purchase for a while. Thanks again.
Someone else told of Waidia's slow email response. Please call them on the phone and keep us posted. Thanks..
Copy of message from Wadia: The Wadia 301 is discussed on the Wadia website on the following page:


Please visit the Wadia site to obtain the most up to date information available on technology. Thank you for your inquiry.
I received a reply from Wadia yesterday, 13 days after I sent my second email. They said there is a 4 week backlog of orders for the 861, and don't have a firm release date for the 301 yet.