What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes

There was discussion about Lacquers used on IC's and Speaker Cables.

I was wondering if anyone knew of commercial wires that are being made using this method with what type of lacquer and what others might have experimented with in order to find a substitute for teflon?

I want to get close as possible to havig an Air Dielectric as possible.

Abex, I think the main differentiator for C37 is its carbon content. I've heard of people applying Revlon black fingernail polish with added pencil shavings on wire who claim the results are similar to the C37. I'm not sure how flexible the nail polish is though.
Geez-I use to work in Rocket Technology which uses tons of Carbon Wire which is conductive.The purpose was not to conduct electricity though. I should have saved some. Dirty stuff though.

Graphite is the substance which is the same as
what you are talking I think.

VanDen Hul experimented with Carbon also. If you look at the Grasshopper Cartridge I think that has Carbon Tech intergrated in it also.

If you have any luck with lacquer + carbon you might then research violin/wooden instrument lacquer. Some of the highly rated ones are not that expensive (under $20/pint).

There is also a great deal of tweaky info on lacquer/varnish in some of the speaker/Hifi forums.


http://6402.teacup.com/le8t/bbs (in Japanese/use Babel Fish)

It's obvious as to why lacquer changes the sound of drivers, but there may be some info to which to apply to your application.

I would also try searching other Japanese/German/Italian Hifi sites for info (maybe you will come across a DIY C-37 formula).

http://babelfish.altavista.com/ (free translation software)

Most already know this, but powdered graphite is what locksmiths use to lubricate sticky locks (it's cheap and readily available).
DEKAY:C37 was discussed a few threads back. The main reason for using lacquers is to bypass the use of Teflon which I think is a disadvantage as a Dielectric. Air being the best,but if you are going to have 2 wires side by side you do not want them to short. Applying a lacquer.

You can always use seperate tubings,but that brings in the factor of room plus the thichnmess of the plastic tubing which I am trying to eliminate.

I do not want to twist wires .I want them to be straight.

As mentoned I am satisfied with what I have been able to accomplish thus far. I will do as you say once I get the trmination to what I have made up so far right or as good as I can get it. They are cost effective.

BTW I have a roll of wire coming this week that should be as good if not better than the OTA which I shall use as a substitute to it. I will post the results of that in the coming week. The rest of the OTA I have left shall be used for internal wiring of the speakers I have being modified with better crossover parts.

With what I determine that works best with my system for IC's and Speaker wire runs I shall intergrate into my system. The rest I will sell. I will be sending packets of the best solutions I come up with to those who have contributed to finding these cost effective solutions in order to get feeddback and ideas on how I might make them better.

Ther is still the factor of terminations such as RCAs,Banana Plugs and Spades. I have mentioned some I have tried and some which I am at presently trying.
Other things I have not gotten into are Cryogenic treatments and what advantage they might bring in order to enhance sonics.

After the present round of basic IC and SPeaker wire construction is over and I settle on what I feel is best I shall order Lacquers,more Connectors and any other meterials I have not tried yet. I have already compiled a list of the meterials mentioned and some I have come up on my own. Quite alot of things to consider and try.

I will check into the Violin lacquers also.

Thanks for the info!
Larry, you are on a very interesting journey here.

As you know, the reason I brought up lacquer in the first place was the noise coming out of Japan. But the C37 proves the Europeans are also on the bandwagon. I remember seeing this website in the past, but its theories are a bit on the exotic side and I don't think I stayed around long.

Still, my recommendation for lacquer is Deft's Clear Wood Finish. At about $8 for a quart, you certainly can't get hurt on it, and this quantity would be more than enough to find out a few things about lacquer - is it physically a candidate for wire, and also how does it sound.

Also, I am not sure how high you would be willing to go, but I picked up a set of Audio Note AN-P(?) RCA plugs for a little over $100 a couple of years back. One thing about silver, most people who employ it don't tell you that their connectors are not silver. I think it's important to go with a cable with silver from stem to stern.

Audio Note is one the companies who do things the right way, and they were perhaps the seminal company when it comes to silver wire. Their mantra is that if silver sounds harsh, the cause is either the quality of the silver, the fact that the terminations are not silver as well, or a problem elsewhere in the system. Can't say that I am exactly a disciple of this, but it makes for something to think about.

I remember a company in Brooklyn, Stage 3 Concepts(?) who was manufacturing silver cables which employed silver from termination to termination. In fact, they sold a silver power cord where even the IEC and the plugs were solid silver. THAT, in my opinion, is the way to do it. Haven't heard from them in the past year or two, but that doesn't mean they are not still around.