What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes

There was discussion about Lacquers used on IC's and Speaker Cables.

I was wondering if anyone knew of commercial wires that are being made using this method with what type of lacquer and what others might have experimented with in order to find a substitute for teflon?

I want to get close as possible to havig an Air Dielectric as possible.

Larry, you are on a very interesting journey here.

As you know, the reason I brought up lacquer in the first place was the noise coming out of Japan. But the C37 proves the Europeans are also on the bandwagon. I remember seeing this website in the past, but its theories are a bit on the exotic side and I don't think I stayed around long.

Still, my recommendation for lacquer is Deft's Clear Wood Finish. At about $8 for a quart, you certainly can't get hurt on it, and this quantity would be more than enough to find out a few things about lacquer - is it physically a candidate for wire, and also how does it sound.

Also, I am not sure how high you would be willing to go, but I picked up a set of Audio Note AN-P(?) RCA plugs for a little over $100 a couple of years back. One thing about silver, most people who employ it don't tell you that their connectors are not silver. I think it's important to go with a cable with silver from stem to stern.

Audio Note is one the companies who do things the right way, and they were perhaps the seminal company when it comes to silver wire. Their mantra is that if silver sounds harsh, the cause is either the quality of the silver, the fact that the terminations are not silver as well, or a problem elsewhere in the system. Can't say that I am exactly a disciple of this, but it makes for something to think about.

I remember a company in Brooklyn, Stage 3 Concepts(?) who was manufacturing silver cables which employed silver from termination to termination. In fact, they sold a silver power cord where even the IEC and the plugs were solid silver. THAT, in my opinion, is the way to do it. Haven't heard from them in the past year or two, but that doesn't mean they are not still around.
Trelja:I tried Cardas Silver SLVRs which sounded horrid. Most RCAs I believe are just Silver plated so you are not getting pure silver anyways.
I am going to try Homegrowns. I am looking for cost effective RCAs to work with at first in order to see what might be easy to work with along with the best sonice traits.
Another important thing I notice is that the wire must be cleaned. I could not believe the grundge that came off the wire when cleaning. It looked like a different metal afterwards.
Eichmanns are the easiest RCAs I have worked wotj thus far. The Daytons without the STrain reliefs are second. I was surprised at how good they sounded. I had expected the Cardas to sound best out of any of the RCAs. There is an artifact that is associated with the Eichmanns I cannot describe and believe it or not I might like them over the Eichmanns,but I would have to verify that.
I was disappointed with the Cardas. It might be the Capacitance factor associted with them that gave them such a bad sound also. I do not know. When I tried the Daytons though I knew I was onto something good.

Thanks for the help!
Just to elaborate.It was the Daytons I liked in low priced RCAs and I really cannot see Capacitance being a factor in the sound after thinking about it. It is to minimal.

I will try HG's because of the cost. They are Rhodium / Silver Standard RCAs. Silver Locking Barrel RCA are also ones I want to try ,but they are alittle more expensive. Seeinf that I am using uninsulated wire, the outter shell screw on in the front is the easiest to work with. If I use a Lacquer then the rear outter shell screw-ons will be even easier to work with.

Abex: I found that if you remove the barrel on the Cardas they sound better. Eichmanns IMO, sound strange due to the plastic dielectric. Some of the Vampire plugs sound good. I still like WBT-0101.
I will try them without the Barrel.Vampires I looked at. How are they to work with with uninsulated wires?