What Lacquers have been used on cables with succes

There was discussion about Lacquers used on IC's and Speaker Cables.

I was wondering if anyone knew of commercial wires that are being made using this method with what type of lacquer and what others might have experimented with in order to find a substitute for teflon?

I want to get close as possible to havig an Air Dielectric as possible.

I will try them without the Barrel.Vampires I looked at. How are they to work with with uninsulated wires?

Just thought I would mention that someone had told me that Caigs Pro Gold or another of their cleaners is similar to Lighter fluid. Weather this is true or not I do not know ,you'd have to verify to be certain.

I will post a compiled list to what others have mentioned in the threads and readings to make this more concise as to what might work.

I have made this a passion on the last month and it has been very intresting. Alot of my Physics, Electronics and Welding training comes back to me at times.

I really do not llike to pay extra for tweeks and now I wish I had never bought a set of Commercial cables in my life,but we all need somewhere to start as a reference I guess.

I will also tabulate what has been spent on this project after I get all the meterials incase there are others who wish to venture and experiment with Cables.

Thanx for the replies!
Insulator Table Question?
I want to know about Insulator properties as they relate to cables and was wondering about this stuff called TECH-FLEX.

Seeing that it is not tightly surrounding a wire I would think that it would be a better Insulator because it would have air betweeen it and the wire if used loosely,whereas Polyproylene or Polyethylene would be tightly sealed against the wire or cable.

The table of Dielectric Permittivity of Meterials show the following values
PolyEthylene Terepthalate (PET)3.25

Is using the (PET) stuff going to hinder or be better as an Insulator seeing that Air is more a part between the wire and the meterial or am I missing something? Is using regular Plastic tubing going to better yet?

As far as Polar Resins are concerned the lowest I see is:
Polyvinyl Acetate3.2

The Air Dielectric being the best Insulator made me think of the PET stuff as being best.

Where the aforemention Lacquers are concerned and where they might fit into this equation I do not know.

Any insight would be helpful!