Amarra EQ users please help me.......

I want to use the EQ function, but I am stumped. It seems I can only adjust a total of three different frequencies across the whole spectrum? This makes no sense to me and greatly limits the usefulness of this tool.

I downloaded Audiotools on my iPad and wanted to play with the iPads internal mic and learn before going whole hog and buying a mic pre and mic much more accurate than the iPad's.

The EQ table only gives a total of three places to enter the frequency? Once you save those three settings it seems your done?
I looked under Amarra preferences and could not find a forth option? I have been playing with the EQ tool and do find 3 work and the sound is greatly improved. I mean greatly improved.

My only remaining problem is I can't save my settings! I have read how to do it and it simply does not take! Hassle to keep re-entering the settings!

I have to let folks know the EQ tool gave my system a flat response in my room and the sound is simply fantastic. Oh my!
I have properly placed room treatments and ideal speaker placement. My speakers are Coincident TV 3's. They are good speakers.

The three settings did work great and now my computer based system just destroys any CD player or transport I have had in my system. I mean by a wide margin. Imagine a tool that delivers a flat response in your room! I am hearing my system play music to its full potential!
Granny - its like getting $100K speakers, probably better. If you don't change the EQ settings, they should be saved if you use "default". Each time you start Amarra, you will have to select Default and EQ however. Its a minor irritation.

Its a good idea to get a good mic like the Earthworks M30 and the $400 mic preamp for the ipad. This will improve the bass accuracy, even though it is still a bit chopped-up.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio