Delta Labs


I just got a pair of these DELTA LABS "REDLINE" speaker cables...

Here's a picture:

And am wondering if they're any good compared to newer, cheaper cables?

Any thoughts, info or experience of these will be useful.

I luckilly (Delta Labs are no more...) found out that the Radio Shack locking banana's that I had at home fitted exactly, for the 2 missing lockers :)

Thx much,
Delta Labs, which I will refer to as Brand X, is a very, very dirty word around these parts!

I would not be surprised if the censors didn't let my post through.

They scammed many an Audiogoner back in 2000, and are persona non grata on this site. The 2 guys are not allowed around here, and things were even much uglier than that. They also sold cable under the brands LightStar and Fidelity Research.

Believe it or not, I was once threatened by one of their victims for actually recommdending one of their products. That's how strongly he felt about it. After conversing with the gentleman, we ended up on good terms.

OK, on to the cable...

Redline is OK cable. Nothing great, nothing terrible. The defining physical characteristic about it is that it's basically garden variety cable, encased in a nice braid, using audiophile quality terminations. As such, the markup on this cable is beyond astronomical. But, it isn't the only high end cable that plays that game.

If you picked it up for a great price, and it works well in your system, then just use it and be happy. Otherwise, if you can sell it without losing much money, then do that.

Looks like it might be one for fleabay!!!
I "only" paid $159 for an 8' biwire pair....

It actually sounds ok...but you have answered my question, thanks much Trelja...

Sorry for not comparing the Redline against anything else.

I have tried the cable in an iteration of my system a few years ago. Like any cable company, the hype far outpaces the performance. If that sounds like I am criticizing Delta, I am not.

My impressions were that the cable was adequate, and for $159, I would say you made a decent buy. On the plus side, the cable would mate with a lean sounding system well, as it tended to be on the rich side. Detail, refinement, and speed were the areas where it wasn't so great. While many people will combine it in tube based systems, as that seemed to be the user Delta was targeting most strongly, I don't think it's a good match there.

In comparison, I found AudioQuest Midnight to be a better cable, and I find that cable to basically be "OK". I have to say that given the choice between it and AQ Type 6, I would opt for the Delta unless I had an already overly warm sound.

I don't have experience with most of the newer brands out there, but I can say that I think you would be better served by Analysis Plus. And, THE BEST CHEAP CABLE I have come across is by far Coincident CST 0.5. I like it a good deal better than my AQ Midnight, and think you could pick it up right here on Audiogon at a super price.