Are Sony SACD Machine Owners Crazy??

I am sorry about the "tabloid" title..but another
post I did got little response on what, I think, is a real
question. Ie:.. many people have stated that the playback
of standard format cd's (16/44) on these SACD machines is
very good...indeed beyond things like Levinson..etc. The
question is this age of "upsampling" 24/96..and beyond, how can these one bit/bit-stream (in "redbook" format) units
be so good? This is asking the owners of the model 1, 777,
9000..etc. Sony can this be so. I had owned
the Xa-7es at one time, and thought that the excellent
playback was the FET analog stage...these new SACD machines
are all using OP-AMPS....not very "high-end". The concern
I have is that while we all hope for a format that will give
us analog sound in a digital format, the near-term concern
is what any unit...SCAD or DVD-A will do with my collection
of standard CD's?
Yes we are all "nuts"! I personally hear voices that tell me to kill people. I hope these new drugs will help, what? Shut up man... I'm talking! Oh hell, I think I'll just go enjoy my SCD-1 and wonder why people think I'm nuts when there the ones with standard cd players.
I've yet to audition SACD at home, and don't intend to do so until the format is a proven "keeper". But in regards to the post.... I have friends who swear they can't hear the difference between an MP3 and audio CD. This is regardless of the quality of the digital front end or the associated electronics. Those who can't tell the difference might be better off purchasing 8-tracks on ebay, and buying a new car rather than upgrading their systems. Hey... You can RECORD at home with the 8-track format. Try that with SACD!
Whatjd, I think several people might be responding to the delta between CD and SACD formats and not necessarily to your question. I believe you are asking about an SACD’s playback of Redbook CDs, so I'll throw in my $0.02.

From my listening experience, which is admittedly limited, I would have to agree with LFR that Redbook CD playback is not on par with mid to hi quality CD players. Many a post espousing SACD playback quality has further stated that perhaps a good outboard DAC for Redbook playback is a better option than straight out of the SACD player (Several folks have talked about the output stage quality being questionable on the 777 and SCD-1). I have seen this written more on the SCD-1 and 777 than on the Marantz SA-1 (not even sure if it was written about the SA-1), which I have never auditioned. The outboard option has intrigued me, but the expense of an SACD player and quality outboard DAC has prevented me from going this route, as of yet anyway.

My opinion, for what it’s worth.
Hifiho, just a follow-up. I believe I read somewhere that Sony and I think it was Tascam are working on a recordable SACD. For all of us analogue buffs out there does this mean that some day our rare, precious copies of vinyl can be archived on SACD format? Regarding MP3 vs cd sound quality this worries me. If the future music lovers become content with under achiveing MP3 what will the future hold for the hi-end? Where do we find our new converts for hifi? Just rambling, sorry about drifting off target. Cheers, Bluenose