Burn in power cord by boiling water??

A Hi-Fi dealer the other day told me that in order to burn in and smoothen out a new power cord, I should get my wife to use it on the kettle to boil water (Rather sexist remark, I know). The theory is that kettles draw a lot more current than hi-fi equipment. He further advised not to do it more than 3 times.

Just a bit worried that the wife might not want to return the power cord after she discovers that her coffee tastes a lot better by using it.

Any opinions on this?
I think "boiling water" does not draw the same grade of spiritual forces as Beethoven. Breaking in the cord is not just running power through it. The cord has to be in the right kind of environment.
With tongue in cheek... and Dakini's dancing on my cords...
There is another method that is seldom used by by us audio maniacs. If you choose to try this please use extreme caution and don't hold me responsible for any possible bizarre consequence. So as a last resort do the following.

Take the stock power cord supplied by the equipment manufacture, plug one end into the equipment and the other end into the AC outlet. Stand way back and see what happens.

Oh ya.....the boiling water. Make tea, put in a generous amount of good bourbon and have a listen to that power cord.