Stupid DAC question

I am currently using an old Denon DCD620 cdp and want to upgrade. I have discovered way more info that my feeble brain can comprehend. Thus I seek wisdom from the audiophiliacs on this forum. I was considering using the MSB Link Dac 3 as an upgrade but found out that I need a digital output which the Denon cdp does not have (stone age cdp, I know). Would I be better off buying an inexpensive cdp and a Link Dac 3 or just buying a good cdp such as a Rega Planet 2000 AND will I notice an apreciable difference from the ancient Denon (some say a cd player is a cd player and there isn't much real difference in quality of sound). Sorry for being so long winded.
Thank you all very much. I think I am getting addicted to this Hi Fi business, wish the mrs. shared my enthusiasm.
The SACD question will linger until it joins the format graveyard along with Elcassette, DCC, DAT prerecorded, laser disc, Beta and 8-track. 450 titles is not even close to what I have in my personal CD collection. The software people are NOT on board and the format will die with that alone.

Logic carries little weight, marketing is everything. SACD will die and clear the way for even more research to extend the performance and longevity of the lowly CD.
Did your psychic give you that information Roen? Maybe you could provide us with the winning lottery numbers and some good stocks to buy.
Am reminded of a Woody Allen routine where he and and Diane Keaton are at their respective shrinks discussing the frequency of their intimate encounters: he says hardly ever, only a couple/few times a week; she says way too often, a couple/few times a week.

As to the orig question, try an HDCD compatible Rotel 991, and if the urge to upgrade still lingers, mod it with an LCAudio clock and stick it on a Black Diamond carbon fiber shelf.

For no_money: the answer is none. Wait till after the impeachment before buying any securities.

Watching the power meter spin backwards,

I second the recommendation on the 5 disc aiwa player. I am currently driving my highly modified msb dac with this cheapo player. Its hard to believe, but it is realy a great match for this dac. Make sure that you use the optical out though. The input reciever to the delta sigma 24 bit dac in the msb is very immune to jitter, so the optical actualy sounds better than the electrical output. (Maybe msb's choice of their input reciever is the reason that the Aiwa sounds so damn good, I don't care.) All I know is that I made a bundle selling my $3000 transport, which was slightly inferior sounding to the Awia! Note: Best Buy sells the Awia player. I suggest you try it out for 30 days. If you don't like it, you can return it for a refund. Try that with a high end transport, yea right!