Help with a complete vinyl setup about $2,500

Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've searched the archives back to last summer and was surprised that I couldn't find any thread discussing a complete vinyl setup for about $2,500. My goal is a lot of detail, a huge soundstage, very dynamic from top to bottom, and musical.

My current setup is:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE - preamp
Two PS Audio - Classic 250's (bi-amping)
Speakers - Tyler Acoustics - Full Linbrook System
Cabling & PC's - Verastarr (silver plated copper)

I'm looking for suggestions for a turntable, cartridge, needle, arm, phono-pre, and a record-cleaning machine (if necessary). Is there anything I should absolutely purchase new instead of used? I've upgraded to my current rig over the years a few times and I'm happy with my current rig even though I know I can improve it, that said is $2,500 enough to spend on a vinyl setup or might I get the upgrade itch at this price point? I guess I'm trying to ask, is a $2,500 vinyl setup in-line with my current rig? If not, then the thread title should probably read "Help with a complete vinyl setup in-line with my current rig, the vinyl setup will cost about $X,XXX dollars." Please fill in the XXX.

Thanks for your help.
Here is some food for thought:

The VPI is WITH the SAMA AND motor controller. That would leave you $700+/-.

Expessimo: Cardas/Wasatch Cable Kit, The HeavyWeight, 2 HeX-Treme End Stub, Adjustable VTA, Lower arm nut $350.00
Save $22 Or..... an Origin. But you would be over budget.

Leaving $350 for a cartridge. I'd go moving coil. Ask TWL, he can guide you through MC world. Totally upgradable with small expenditures. The arm can be used on almost ANY TT. The VPI can get upgraded to Mk IV/TNT w/SAMA. The Monolithics work pretty good, but more important, would let you experiment with a LOT of different cartridges. This setup will run with some of the best out there.

That was fun. (Spending your money)
Great pre amp you have, I have the same pre.

I don't have that many records, so I went with the following to keep my analog budget down.

VPI Scout + JMW9 - around $1200 used
Grado Platinum - around $250 new
EAR 834P Deluxe - around $900 used

I did not get a record cleaner, but there is no reason you should not. A VPI 16.5 can be had for $300 used.

From my research, Scout & EAR are safe bets and excellent value. You can choose your cartridge based on your taste.
Try a VPI Scout, skip the 10X5 and get the Dynavector 20XH for under 2K new. Tough to beat that combination for the money.
I'd consider doing what Jphii says, except I'd opt for the Nottingham Horizon w/RB-250 (sorry Teres lovers but I don't think the 135 does any better than the Horizon). With the money saved, I'd buy a VPI 16.5 vacuum RCM.