Help with a complete vinyl setup about $2,500

Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've searched the archives back to last summer and was surprised that I couldn't find any thread discussing a complete vinyl setup for about $2,500. My goal is a lot of detail, a huge soundstage, very dynamic from top to bottom, and musical.

My current setup is:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE - preamp
Two PS Audio - Classic 250's (bi-amping)
Speakers - Tyler Acoustics - Full Linbrook System
Cabling & PC's - Verastarr (silver plated copper)

I'm looking for suggestions for a turntable, cartridge, needle, arm, phono-pre, and a record-cleaning machine (if necessary). Is there anything I should absolutely purchase new instead of used? I've upgraded to my current rig over the years a few times and I'm happy with my current rig even though I know I can improve it, that said is $2,500 enough to spend on a vinyl setup or might I get the upgrade itch at this price point? I guess I'm trying to ask, is a $2,500 vinyl setup in-line with my current rig? If not, then the thread title should probably read "Help with a complete vinyl setup in-line with my current rig, the vinyl setup will cost about $X,XXX dollars." Please fill in the XXX.

Thanks for your help.
Well, I suppose that anyone who refers to the thousands of folks who own a 16.5 or 17 as limp-wristed, speaks volumes about themself, and that should suffice. But, if you are really feeling froggish sometime and are not just limp-lipped, you name the time, date, and directions to your cave and I'll be there.

sorry, Dsiggia, I promise not to derail your thread any further, regardless.
4yanx: My limp-wristed comment was a metaphor for laziness not meant to impugn the owners of the 16.5 or 17. I'm sure they are fine machines. I maintain that with a little elbow grease, good brushes, proper fluid, and vacuum you can have clean vinyl and a lot of money left over to spend on more vinyl. That's not debatable it's simply a fact. If I hit a nerve with the "limp-wrist" allusion that's on you. Now if you're ready to put this thing to bed, let's get on to more worthwhile issues. Look forward to hearing from you.
Sorry, Disggia, I know I promised but this foolery just begs to be answered. And since this guy tells me he won't be responding in the thread, and then proceeds to do so anyway, I will give the response he now "looks forward to hearing".

First, though, if it is of any benefit, e-mail me your snail mail address and I will send you some fluid to get you going in return for crapping on your valid and otherwise interesting thread. To answer part of your question, I'd be careful of buying a cartridge used, unless you are confident with whom you are dealing or you can give a test listen before buying. On the other hand, you can obviously get a much better cartridge in terms of quality when buying used than paying anywhere close to retail for a new one. It can be done successfully and save you a lot of money, but it can also be risky.

Geez, Mr. Bill, talk about digging one’s hole even deeper. I doubt that many found your limp-wristed reference any less transparent than a good set of cables. Oh, I know, one would be limp-wristed because they were too lazy to raise their hands. Your assertion that anyone using a 16.5 or 17 is lazy, as compared to real men or women who do things manually, is patently absurd – “metaphor” or no. As far as “striking a nerve” goes, try again. Once more, your reference is wholly transparent and whether your utterly crude insinuation were true in the sense that you deliver it or not, it would not bother me in the least. Ignorance does, though. That’s on YOU. And, hey, the next time you want to trot out words like metaphor and allusion, try looking up their meaning, lest you continually expose your decidedly limited vocabulary.

To the rest of the posters here, unless Disiggia requests my further OPINION, I’ve said my last on this topic, believe it or not! Ha! :-)
Here's an opinion. Try decaf. BTW, look up metaphor and allusion. They're used correctly you dunce.