Help with a complete vinyl setup about $2,500

Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've searched the archives back to last summer and was surprised that I couldn't find any thread discussing a complete vinyl setup for about $2,500. My goal is a lot of detail, a huge soundstage, very dynamic from top to bottom, and musical.

My current setup is:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE - preamp
Two PS Audio - Classic 250's (bi-amping)
Speakers - Tyler Acoustics - Full Linbrook System
Cabling & PC's - Verastarr (silver plated copper)

I'm looking for suggestions for a turntable, cartridge, needle, arm, phono-pre, and a record-cleaning machine (if necessary). Is there anything I should absolutely purchase new instead of used? I've upgraded to my current rig over the years a few times and I'm happy with my current rig even though I know I can improve it, that said is $2,500 enough to spend on a vinyl setup or might I get the upgrade itch at this price point? I guess I'm trying to ask, is a $2,500 vinyl setup in-line with my current rig? If not, then the thread title should probably read "Help with a complete vinyl setup in-line with my current rig, the vinyl setup will cost about $X,XXX dollars." Please fill in the XXX.

Thanks for your help.
When you start a topic like this, SOME of the answers you get are from people who have actually tried what they recommed. We do so because we were in the same position once. And got some good advice. And in turn would like to help others who are interested in becoming addicted to vinyl learn from our mistakes.

You know, this Wc65mustang was in idiot in the "how long will vinyl last" thread, and once again turns into an idiot here. Take a look at his d"answers" this should be no surprise.

Don't let this boob ruin the thread.

Now, aside from that, back to the topic at hand. I follow 4yanx' cleaning method, after much trial & error myself. I should have just done like he recommends and bought the damn 16.5 up front. Now that I have it, and the RRL fluids, ALL of my albums sound better. Period. You can search for his post on cleaning. It's a long one, but it works.

So, in other words, maybe you should work it out so you end up with one. I've had mine for 3 days and already cleaned about 150 albums!

I use the 16.5 and RR fluids and I ask you; what value do I place on the time saved by this set-up and method?


Screw the so-called manual method. Might as well hook your turntable up to a potter's wheel and rotate it with your feet so as to hear the true essence of turntablery.
The increased VALUE of the 16.5 with RR products has brought to my 700+ LP collection VASTLY exceeds the cost of the the unit.

Hey, if I can buy 50 used LPs for $1 each and have them sounding better than any used CD version at $10 a piece as a result of this cleaning setup, then it has paid for itself in spades.

And the time saved is additional value to boot.

Nuff said.

Assuming you haven't given up in despair, I'll second '4yanx's' modification of 'jphii's' list and add a few tidbits:

Nottingham Horizon + Rega RB250: $1200
Denon 103r: $241
K&K trannie: $225
RRL fluids: $40 (from Galen Carol)
10 Last brushes $25
VPI 16.5 RCM: $500
Turntablebasics alignment protractor: $20
Jennings HP50 digital scale: $50

TOTAL: $2301.

That leaves $200 for possible upgrades to the RB250, which is a fun arm to start with because you can learn so much from tweaking it. This setup will blow away any CDP you're likely to have tried, not to mention whatever midfi analog rig you used to have.

As far as wc65mustang's childish and untested pronouncements that hand washing with DD will equal machine washing with RRL, just ask yourself where is his evidence? Everyone who's actually tried both methods prefers the ones recommended by '4yanx'.
Remeber, the 16.5 is under $450 shipped (to NC, anyways) from Galen Carol. Another $50 to play with.