Help with a complete vinyl setup about $2,500

Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've searched the archives back to last summer and was surprised that I couldn't find any thread discussing a complete vinyl setup for about $2,500. My goal is a lot of detail, a huge soundstage, very dynamic from top to bottom, and musical.

My current setup is:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE - preamp
Two PS Audio - Classic 250's (bi-amping)
Speakers - Tyler Acoustics - Full Linbrook System
Cabling & PC's - Verastarr (silver plated copper)

I'm looking for suggestions for a turntable, cartridge, needle, arm, phono-pre, and a record-cleaning machine (if necessary). Is there anything I should absolutely purchase new instead of used? I've upgraded to my current rig over the years a few times and I'm happy with my current rig even though I know I can improve it, that said is $2,500 enough to spend on a vinyl setup or might I get the upgrade itch at this price point? I guess I'm trying to ask, is a $2,500 vinyl setup in-line with my current rig? If not, then the thread title should probably read "Help with a complete vinyl setup in-line with my current rig, the vinyl setup will cost about $X,XXX dollars." Please fill in the XXX.

Thanks for your help.
used cables ( 2 pairs) -----------$500

?? 2 pairs?? Only one if you need an external pre, which he does. If he's like all of the rest of us, I'm sure he has a cable set or two laying around to get him by.

used phono stage ----------------$750

$250 & up. Read the suggestions.
Well "Dsiggia"......... I seem to also be in the same boat as you when it comes to getting into analog for just a song. Being a digital man all of my "audiophile" life during my first twenty-two years of my being in this "never ending" hobby, I can definitely understand your need and urge to experience analog bliss without breaking the bank, but at the same time, want something good and satisfying.

What I am using right now is a Thorens TD-165 Belt-Drive Turntable that I have bought used off of "e-bay" about two years ago, and it has a Grado Prestige Gold mounted into its tonearm. It is then plugged into a Monolithic PS-1 which in turn, is being flanked by its companion HC-1 external power supply. And this is plugged into a relatively expensive (at least......... according to MY standards) "KEF/MIT/Adcom/Magnum Dynalab/Cambridge Audio" system (which is valued at more than $6K), and is getting relatively good sonic results from it. I'm not going to say that my analog setup is going to go toe-to-toe and challenge today's super analog setups. But for the type of music that I listen to right now in relation to my level of interest in analog reproduction and the capability of my system, I have to say that I have done pretty damn well for myself. I am so smitten with the analog sound (and I am going to my local record [vinyl album] store and buying any piece of wax I can get my hands on) that I cannot help but think about what an added expenditure would do to improve the sonic capability of my audio system, and thus for, what such an expenditure would do to enhance my enjoyment of the blissfulness of the analog experience. So in saying that then, I am thinking about spending about $2.5K on an improved analog setup myself. But being that I already have a phono stage that I am happy with, I think that ALL of my proposed $2.5K will go on the hardware (turntable and cartridge). Being that even though, you have stated the type of sound that you're going to want from an analog setup, I didn't see no where else on this board that you stated what type of music you listened to, and that alone may/will go a long way as to what setup you're going to end up with for your $2,500.00. But being that I listen to R&B (both classic and modern), Funk, Rap/Hip-Hop, Jazz & Fusion, and Rock, I am going to want the same things that you stated that you wanted as well. But being for the type of music I listen to, what I also want to end up with is something that sounds more dynamic and more refined than just a high priced "party" system (which is something that I don't want.......... the "party sound" system). So to that end then, this is I what I am looking at now myself:

Turntable System: Clearaudio Champion -- $1,200.00
Tone Arm: Rega RB-600 -- $650.00
Phono Cartridge: Grado Reference Statement/Sonata -- $500.00
Phono Stage: Monolithic PS-1 + HC-1 -- Already Own

And my total would come to about $2,350.00 (all from Music Direct). And I also would want me a record cleaning machine right now myself. But for the time being, I am just going to have to continue to save up some more money and keep it on the "wish" list.

But for you, this is what I would look into to be on the safe side.

Turntable System: VPI Scout + JMW 9 Memorial Arm -- $1,600.00
Phono Cartridge: Grado Reference/Statement Platinum -- $300.00
Phono Stage: Monolithic PS-2 -- $600.00 (and if I am not mistaking, this is an upgraded version of my existing PS-1)

And this would bring your total to JUST $2,500.00 (again, all from Music Direct).

To improve the dynamics of your system, I think that the first upgrade later on would be the addition of the HC-1b external power supply, and then later on, a better cartridge. A record cleaning machine would come right after that.

Good Luck and Regards...........

i came up with 2 pair of cables since most audiophiles i know dont have 2 decent pairs of the same cables laying around for spares.....$250 is pretty much the starting point of decent used cables.

as for pre's i am looking the the audible illusion 3 (run hot rodded via tape outputs or the audio research ph-2 or ph-3 phono stage( each one anywhere from $750 to $900)

hope that helps.

There is a demo Audio Note TT1/ARM2 (heavily modified Systemdek and rega rb300 arm rewired with pure audio note silver wire and audio note silver interconnect) for 875/BO. Put a dynavector DV20XH or 10x5 on it and you are set; no step up device required as both are high output.

For a phono preamp the Antique Sound Lab unit at under 300 gets good marks from the folks I've chatted with. This unit is also a good candidate for modifications to increase its performance.

That gives you a turntable, arm, cartridge, and phono preamp for well under 2k. If you want to spend more money I'd suggest looking at the Audiomat phono preamp; not cheap but supposedly very, very good.
Well, I've decided on my initial setup & it's well above my initial budget - oh well.

I'm starting out with:
Teres - Model 160 Table
Origin Live - Silver Tonearm
Denon 103r - cartridge
Tom Evans - Microgroove phono pre
VPI 16.5 - record cleaning machine
RRL fluids
Turntable Basics Protractor,
A huge slab of granite for isolation
Brass Isolation Cones for additional isolation

And about zippo knowledge on how to get this thing working as it should. I'll probably be in the market for some A'gon consulting soon.

A big thanks to everybody for all the help so far!