Help with a complete vinyl setup about $2,500

Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm strongly considering getting back into vinyl. I've searched the archives back to last summer and was surprised that I couldn't find any thread discussing a complete vinyl setup for about $2,500. My goal is a lot of detail, a huge soundstage, very dynamic from top to bottom, and musical.

My current setup is:
Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE - preamp
Two PS Audio - Classic 250's (bi-amping)
Speakers - Tyler Acoustics - Full Linbrook System
Cabling & PC's - Verastarr (silver plated copper)

I'm looking for suggestions for a turntable, cartridge, needle, arm, phono-pre, and a record-cleaning machine (if necessary). Is there anything I should absolutely purchase new instead of used? I've upgraded to my current rig over the years a few times and I'm happy with my current rig even though I know I can improve it, that said is $2,500 enough to spend on a vinyl setup or might I get the upgrade itch at this price point? I guess I'm trying to ask, is a $2,500 vinyl setup in-line with my current rig? If not, then the thread title should probably read "Help with a complete vinyl setup in-line with my current rig, the vinyl setup will cost about $X,XXX dollars." Please fill in the XXX.

Thanks for your help.

If you were going to blow the budget why didn't you say so? We could have recommended a wood base Teres from the get-go! ;-)

You're in for a treat, that looks like a fine setup to me. There was a post just last week from a new Teres 160 owner who's very pleased that he upgraded from a Scout/SDS.

I hope you'll add Twl's HIFI mod to the Silver at some point. It's a killer mod for Shelter cartridges and should be even more so for that Denon. Order a Silver Mk I if your source can still find one. It's easier to mod than the Mk II.

Setup help is just a posting or email away.
Doug, I happened to notice the other thread when it was listed & have continued to follow it. Needless to say, I did get fired-up after initially reading it.

Luckily, I did get a used Mk I so after I get settled in the upgrade will be on the list of items to do. Thanks again.

If you order the HIFI Mod weights from Twl you'll also be able to add my VTF-on-the-fly mod. It's way better than futzing with the counterweight and best of all... it's free!

Good news: there's always more stuff to do
Bad news: there's always more stuff to do ;-)