MC or MM?

What is the difference between moving coil and moving magnet? The preamp I am buying can accept both.

From audioadvisor, the Grado Statement is MM, which Grade Reference is MC. It almost look like the MM is better than the MC. However, I think Audiogoners can offer better advice then retailers can.
In a MM(moving magnet) cartridge, the coils are in the cartridge body and the magnets are on the end of the cantilever, moving around. In a MC(moving coil) cartridge, the coils are on the end of the cantilever, and the magnets are in the cartridge body.

Generally speaking, in low output MC cartridges, the moving mass is less and the ability to move quickly and respond to low level detail is better. Also, higher gain phono stage is required.
It will also help to know what your system is. Advice will mean a lot more. Someone has probably had or tried what you have, so, let us know, and we'll see who can help.
This is what I will be using

so want to add either a Grado Reference(MC) or Grado Statement(MM).

Music is: 40% Jazz, 40% Classical, 20% Opera