"Pace", it's importance for enjoyment?

The English press have used the term of "pace" to identify
what, I think, is a very important quality in the enjoyment
of an audio device. I have never had speakers, wires or
amplification have as much impact on this feeling of "pace"
(or I should say, lack of it)
as digital source components seem to have. Is this part
of where high-rez..SACD and DVD-A..provide an imporvement
over redbook? Too often I have had high-end cd players and
DACs provide detail..but lack the ability to let me enjoy
the listening. If there is any one thing I can point to
in vinyl vs. redbook, it is that quality of "pace". What
are your thoughts?
What's the matter Snook, can't keep up with the "pace"? Now it's worse than before.
Remember the TV commercial where the basketball coach's son reveals "I want to dance"? Now, that commercial had pace! A good dose of ginkgo biloba before listening also helps the ones and zeroes move down the neurons a little faster.
Prat? When I first started reading this thread, I thought "prat" was one of those sound effect balloon captions they used in MAD Magazine.