Looking for the right interconnect

My system has fallen into place recently - it is : Meadowlark Kestrals (hot-rods), Audio Refinement integrated, Rotel 971 cd player(w/mods),Analysis Plus oval 12 speaker wire-
I'm looking for the right i.c.- will it make a very big difference?
other tips for this system?
thanks very much-
Without knowing exactly what sound characteristics you're looking for in an interconnect I'll second Philjolet's recommendation of the Acoustic Zen line. I own their Tsunami power cord and MC2 digital cable and find them to be very open, smooth and huge in their soundstage presentation.

Of all the cables I currently own, they're the only ones I like in my system other than my favorite Virtual Dynamics. Give Rick Schultz of Virtual Dynamics a call, he can make some great suggestions within your budget and give you a good price. In my setup, the Virtual Dynamics have a natural, open sound with great soundstaging.
Very balanced systems. Very good job. Possiblilities include LAT International, Kimber Kable Hero, Wireworld.
I third the idea of Acoustic Zen. I changed from Kimber Hero ics to AZ matrix ref ics and gained a great deal of detail and musicality. You do have to watch them with overly warm systems however.
Yes, the right IC can make a fairly big difference, but you do not tell us what IC you are currently using, or what about the sound you hope to improve. Regardless, to find the 'right' one - or to even know you've found it - you are going to have to audition a few different ones in your system and compare. Fortunately, Audiogon makes this a pretty simple proposition: Just set aside a budget for experimentation, identify a few likely candidates in your price range to check out, buy examples of each used on the 'Gon, and then come back and sell the ones you don't wind up wanting to keep for what you paid for them. You're not out much for regular ground shipping on 1m IC's in the US - typically about $5 a set, and definitely worth it to be able to hear for yourself. Good luck!
I've tried many interconnects (Nordost Quattro Fil, Acoustic Zen, and so forth) before but my favorite is Ric Cummins Jaden Interconnects. The Jaden is made of pure silver and is very musical, detailed, dynamic, and has very good tonal balance. I think you will be surprised by this cable's performance and value ($350 retail for a standard 2.5 foot cable). The myth that silver cables are harsh is just so, only a myth after you've heard these cables.

Not many have heard these cables before but those who own them will testify to the quality and performance of the Jaden Interconnects.