MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
Oh yea, I had the Jadis matched with a CAT too - and NBS Pro series wires which were very important. I don't know whether they were filtered with more appendages of rearranged matter (a "box") or were just the rearranged matter of heated, extruded metal covered by a dialectric of rearranged matter. In the end - in the end after the experiment of listening - did it matter?
Anyone else here find it strange that this unclekrusty or unklecrusty(he has used both here in this same thread), has never posted here before. His e-mail address is bogus as well. unclecrusty I stand by my posts. Your droll dogma is usless and you are a fool. Again you spout off and don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.If you have not listened to the MIT cables, shut the hell up!

As for you bashing my system,unclekrusty, you prove once again just how ignorant you are on this topic.I never made a claim that my gear was the high dollar, state of the art, fashionable esoterica, that seems to impress you. You have no idea what my pre amp sounds like.Your statement about my amp is just as stupid and if you had paid attention you would have seen that SP9 is not stock, but a one of a kind unit that I have updated myself. If you knew anything about MIT cables you would know that not all of my MIT cables have the "box" you fear so much.

My system is not listed here for critique by the rude and the simple ,it's for people who read my posts to see if we are at all on the same page. I am happy to not be on the same page with you crusty(whoever or whatever you are)! I find it amusing that you seem to think you are the oracle of HiFi knowledge, and that the people at ARC, Dave Wilson, and Bruce Brisson, among others are so ridiculous and stupid. It's easy to hide behind a phoney e-mail address and take shots at me. I am a regestered AudioGon member and if you like you can e-mail me directly and I will be happy to tell you what I really think.
Maxgain, you wouldn't be self-fulfilling your first-response prophecy under a bogus name
- now would you? ;^)
I've now read the entire thread and can well understand Maxgain's anger. I'd also lower my horns at Crusty's language, even though I would defend his rights for freedom of speech and the freedom to have his opinions. I've owned the gear he's mentioned and I like it and I run Spectral 360s which are very highband, right up to where the bats hear and over and that's why MIT wires make sense because of their high pass filtering action. As a combination and with stators they have never failed to amaze the cognoscienti and although I am a deeply a vinyl, tube and stator man, this SS combination, together with a Spectral pre commands my respect. Cheers,
Thanks uncle krust... now I'll go out and sell my entire system so I can buy sound that YOU prefer.... forget what I like... It's all about what you like.