MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
Asa, admirable analysis. A joy to read and not to fault as far as I can see. Old Krusty is good for something afterall. A question: Don't know Kuhn, but did Popper REALLY live up to what he preached there? Cheers,
No, detlof, Popper did not, from what my admittedly limited knowledge of his ideas can tell (oh my God, Jetter, here's where we could, just could, veer into Jung!!!! Stooooone the witch!!!).

I'm not sure about his personal life, but, basically, in the end, in his philosophy he still defaulted to an assumption that the systematic analysis of science redeemed it as a method, even though his own critique on that method - that science is always finding new truth, so how can they ever say they have The Truth - undermined that hope, in a logical sense. I would say he had an intuition that this had to be the case and so adopted it. I feel the same BTW, to an extent, that extent tempered by my knowledge of what science IS, its limitations, and the true ground of science.

From what I know of the LSE philosophy dept, where Popper ensconsed himself, the quantification of reality (the progeny of British empiricism, Hume, Berkely, et al) was perhaps, in its lingering influence, not quite as far away as he might have thought. I think Popper was simply part of the general deconstruction of science - seeing its limitation through an application of its own reductionist rules to itself - that has been going on for quite a while now (you see, WilBishop, I do know how old some of this is....). He saw a facet of that limitation, but like all deconstructionism, never looked beyond that reduction to see a solution. Maybe that accounts for his ultimate default to science's systematic rigor for a grounding, and thus avoiding the conclusion of nihilism (the consequence of groundless-ness). Given that his own observations seemed to contradict that conclusion, perhaps that was, in the end, a personal choice of belief, perhaps one adopted in fear of what he believed to be its logical contra (without some ground in logic, reality becomes ground-less)

[except that reality is not grounded by logic...]

There are certainly some people out there who know more than that and can, perhaps, add or correct what I've said (OH MY GOD!! There it is, Jetter, the possibility, rearing its head like a regression to religion, like a hydra, of this thread going out of control, out of control of the thinking scientific mind towards some so-called creativity or dialogue that keeps us from controlling the truth, making it serve our purpose! Oh God, save us!!)

Detlof, if you know about Popper, perhaps - while we wait for Krusty to come back and for Jetter to think - I would be interested to know what you know. Anyone else too.


There, all served up, just like a baseball on a tee, just like when you were five.
Oh, detlof, when are we going to get that thread you promised on musicality? We must be sure to invite Krusty and Jetter. Remind me then.
LOL, will do ASA, thanks for your thoughts on P. Can't say much, know too little, but seems to make sense what you say. The musicality thread has yet to be born, too busy still writing up reports on all sorts of people to make some money to buy expensive cables and to eat.
Sorry Maxgain - I mean gobbledegook that Bob Bundus repeated on this thread. If you don't mind guano in your cables, then its obvious why you don't mind guano being launched from your speakers.

The faithful shake their bibles, do they ever, as if faith were ever an argument that held water. Even G*d didn't think enough of water to do anything more than walk over it...

I don't care what makes Maxxie move around his listening room, but I have been around far too long and experienced far too much in this business to know that most people, most audiophiles, have assembled systems that aren't nearly as properly matched as they can be. This stems largely from the fact that they rarely take the advice of a local sales professional and mostly play mix-n-match with bargain internet sales and blowouts, B-stock, etc.

That's where good'ol "networked" boxes and cables come in to play ... the guy with a poorly matched system would rather spend $ on some cables that might "fix" his component-matching problem than lose $ re-selling the stuff that has caused the problem in the first place.

In my opinion, based on both electrical theory and empirical observation of cables within the genre, I believe that all macigbox cables cause a change in the signal passing through them - a change that would not occur if the signal only passed through the wire itself. I think that's a bad idea and my experience seemed to back that up.

If you like magicbox cables in your system - go in peace. If you hate them and think that they're just a buncha BS - go in peace. I've said my piece and gave my reasons and backed them up.

It always seems to be the weakest of the faithful that shake their bibles at the infidel ... afraid, maybe, that he's speaking the truth and the emperor really is butt ass naked. The true faithful never try to make converts and cast out demons - they just walk in bliss.

So I came to stir the pot - and, boy howdy, did it ever get stirred. It's been fun, senoritas, but I think there's nothing more to say that ain't been said already. Over and over again.

