Digital Support

If you are a true believer in the superiority of digital over analog I need your help. I'm being attacked by a bunch of snobs in a thread in the home theater section entitled " digital rules ".
How so??? I never weighed in one way or the other. I merely said you were trying to pick a fight.

Thanks for the equivalent of stepping on my glasses, i.e. -2,-2 ratings.
A normal goal (other than that of a troll) would be to figure out how to improve either or both formats within ones system. Not to decide which is best. Well, there goes my Troll Pimp Slap for the day.
PS: I just checked your other posts (not on digital) and they are very well written. Hopefully you will get over this digital thing. For the record I do not find either format better than the other (if done well), just different, with digital winning the convenience factor.
What really irks me and caused me to write this topic in the first place is the smug, superior attitude detected when reading many so called "audiophile" postings extolling the virtues of analog gear and their constant put down of digital gear. I agree there is room for both but since analog doesn't allow for multichannel capability, it is useless to me. Like most people, I'm building a home theater system capable of playing both music and movies very well.
Robedk: If they bug you so much, then don't become one of them (on the other side of the fence). This is a natural reaction of course, but get a grip before it happens. My next plan of attack is to add vinyl to a CD based system. The reason for this being that in the LA area (where I live) there are literally thousands and thousands of good LP's available in the local thrift shops for 50 cents to a dollar each. Seeing all of this music and not being able to play it is driving me a little nuts and I have already started purchasing LP's without any method of playing them. The original plan was to just do a CD based system because of space and budget considerations, but in the end it looks like music will win out in our household. In this case, considering the starting budget, the digital will beyond a doubt sound better, but time, money and trial & error will eventually be the equalizer as it usually is in this hobby.