Digital Support

If you are a true believer in the superiority of digital over analog I need your help. I'm being attacked by a bunch of snobs in a thread in the home theater section entitled " digital rules ".
Rpell, unless you are an Audiogon staffer, I don't see how you could have expected my response to Sedond's expulsion.

I am, however, the last person who one would ever expect to defend one technology over another. I never defend any position on any technological issue in these discussions, much less analog v. digital. I only listen to old lps on a modest turntable once in a while. I listen almost exclusively now to regular cds on a meridian cdp and am completely satisfied with it.

I really did lose interest in any of this talk because of the Sedond issue, and respond now only because your reply snidely misinterpreted my lack of interest. I won't have anything to say about this or any other subject from now on. (And yes, I know about the apology and reinstatement. This is not a protest, just a lack of interest.)
>...your reply snidely misinterpreted my lack of interest

You seem to have misinterpreted my post, not the other way around. My reply had nothing whatsoever to do with the "Sedond issue"--which I know nothing about--and was simply (and obviously I thought) a response to your answer to my question about digital recording. That you choose to interpret it otherwise is telling.
Rpell. The point is, I did not answer your question and never will for a reason that has nothing to do with you or the subject matter of the question or this thread. And now you try to insult me again. "Telling." WAFI. That's IMO of course. sounds like there are personal issues here that go a bit beyond the discussion of analog vs. digital audio. I might suggest that a private conversation about this may be in order.

Gregm: My understanding of the encoding technology for CD's is that it does theoretically enable a precise extraction of the data from its encoded form, but because of the limitations of digital electronics, its extremely difficult, if not impossible to achieve. The newer formats presumably make attaining this goal easier given the known processing issues with DACs, but do not provide additional source information. Perhaps those folks better acquainted with digital electronics can chime in and correct me here.

Ken, I have no idea who Paulwp is and have never had any discussions with him before. Given his completely unwarranted responses above, I won't be discussing *anything* further with him--in public or private!

I think I generally agree with your understanding of the current CD encoding technology, although I think you might be overstating its limitations. To be fair, there are many who would point out that the limitations in analog encoding/playback are greater.