any tried Still Points?

I have heard about the new Still Points isolation devices. Do they work and in what aplications? I have talked with 2 dealers--1 says the are great and the other was kind of luke warm on them. Would I be better off saving my money and just buying Vibrapods? thanks
The Still Points are Ceramic Bearings housed in what appeares to be aluminum cone. No Ferrous metal at all. This is one of the reasons I chose to use them under my amp. I too have a Berning 270. The ZOTL products as you know are very sensitive to many different exterior influences(vibration, metal,etc..) the still points do a superior job at controlling them.
Twl, to see a picture of the Still Points go to, not much info but good pics.
Kris, Twl, maybe you've already done this, but if you read the comment page, the manufacturer responds to a 'review' with a lot of detail about how the stillpoints are made, what the materials are, etc.
I have receved the points and have been using them for the past couple of days after posting this question. I do find that they help with clarity focus and seem to help me hear more in to the music. Thanks