dcs sound

any thing better sounding than a dcs elgar plus with a new purcell. Looking to buy a digital setup.
Audioguy, you're right. I use a Sigtech. Thanks for the reminder but I do have it set on 24 bits. A few comments. At the level of performance we are talking about, I believe that without VERY accurate DSP room correction and very impulse coherent speakers that the differences in the upsamplers/DACs cannot be accurately assessed because how the DAC converts the time based info is where many of the differences lie. Room and speaker interaction can not only obscure the difference but actually cause the DAC’s to act like mini DSP units analogous to using cables as tone controls.

I’ve played around with the 972 upsampler in front of some other DACs in addition to the Elgar. These experiments have convinced me that much of the difference in high end DAC’s subjective performance are due to the audible artifacts created by the D to A algorithms and the filters implemented in the DAC’s. I highly recommend the technical paper on this on the dCS site. This paper is not a self serving marketing paper but is some rather sophisticated musings on how the common choice of algorithms for the conversion back to analog and the filter implementation may have some rather fundamental flaws in the underlying mathematical assumptions. It is interesting that in the various threads that the DAC’s that vie for the top position, for the most part, use “nonstandard” algorithms or conversion circuit topologies.

Changing the upsampling in front of any DAC will change the audible analog artifacts. Changing the frequency, impulse characteristics of the music (Joni Mitchell vs. Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra) will change the analog artifacts created by the DACs. This makes getting a bead on “the best” very hard in my opinion.

Lornecherry is right that these points are subtle but they are real and do matter for the listening experience. Many of the performances I want to listen to are only available as digital recordings on Redbook CDs so I am quite interested in optimizing my digital chain. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
I have listened to the Elgar for a long time through some very nice associated equipment at my local dealer. The staff and I compared the orginal EMC1 to it and felt that the Electrocompaniet EMC1 CD player had about 95-98% of the abilities of the Elgar grouping.
I recently had my EMC1 CD Player upgraded to the 24/192kHz DAC and the new player surpasses the Elgar in quality of sound. The staff and owner were in awe of the players abilities. I have never seen them so excited about a piece of gear, keep in mind that they sell the Elgar grouping!
Hearing is subjective and that is what makes it tough to have an opinion that others will share. I however, feel that this piece of kit is something special. I never thought a compact disc could sound so good. If you are in an area where you can audition it, make the trip and bring along some of your favorites. I hope this is a glimpse of the future. If it is, audio is headed in a very exciting direction.
I had a Sim Audio Eclipse CDP with DCS Purcell upsampler. DCS is excellent, however I was able to get rid of 3 pieces (Eclipse CDP; Purcell; ARC preamp) by moving to the excellent Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 one-box CDP. It even has a volume control so that I can drive my 4 tube amps direct in a bi-amp setup. Very analog-sounding as well, with a sub-miniature tube output stage. That being said, the DCS gear is very, very good- it comes down to a matter of taste really.
Can anyone compare the Audiomeca Mephisto II and/or the Enkianthus DAC to the Audio Aero Capitole? Is the Capitole more dynamic sounding than the Audiomeca gear?

Hi Rayhall,They are equally good. There is nothing out there that gets that analogue like sound. I tried both and bought the Audiomeca Mephisto II. I also have SACD and I like the smoothness and the palpability the Audiomeca gives me. Slingmeister