ikeda mc-transformer

Hello everybody,
Anybody out there who does have some experience with the Ikeda st-100 type 20 mc-transformer. What about it i am planning to use it with an Ortofon spu-gold cartridge. Thanks a lot in advance, Eduard
Dear Eduard: I own Ikeda cartridge, not stepup transformer.But I can tell you that " the best stepup transformer is NO stepup transformer ". Change your preamp for a high gain preamp ( with built phono stage ) or change your phonocartridge. If you buy this mc-transformer you have to use adittional cables and conector ( and the transformer ) that always degrade the critical signal that comes from your phono cartridge.
Finally someone with a reaction. I allready have the Ikeda and the SpU gold and i want to combine with a Pulltec pc-10 phonostage. I was just curious if there were some persons using the Ikeda in their system. Thanks anyway, Eduard.
And an extra active gain stage does NOT add extra noise and distortions? What planet are you living on?
This is for John Tracy: I´m living in this planet. Maybe you don´t know wich is the difference between an outboard stepup transformer and a built-in phono stage. First, you can use the outboard stepup transformer only
if your preamp has a builtin phonostage ( RIIA equalization ). Can you understand this ? If you do, then you can see that if you use another stage ( step up transformer, conectors and extra-cables ), you really degraded the signal: this signal has to pass over many meters of wire inside the transformer, has to go trought additional RCA/XLR conectors and interconect cables. When you already have the built-in phono stage your signal goes more direct. This is not a complex science is only comun sense.
Best regards.
Forget your common sense BS and try opening your ears. Step ups are way better than active gain stages by a wide margin. Cartridges love transformers inductive load.