Is a cable cooker worth it?

I have heard many good things that a cable cooker can do to improve a system, but I am wondering at what point the expense of a cooker is worth it? Alltogether, how long must I burn in my cables, via system play, before they are good and hot as opposed to the expense of buying an Audio Dharma cooker and having near instant results? I don't know where I fall in terms of mid to high end audiophile, but I calculate that by the time I get all the components that I want for my system, minus cables and extras, I am approaching $8500 bucks(only components). So, is a cable cooker worth it for someone like me?
Just to add.Bob Crump only uses a Mobie for breaking in IC;s and runs speaker cables endlessly with music.I have not been breaking in speaker cables lately ,but it might be better to just get a dummy load put at the end of the runs and play something very Bass Dynamic to break speaker wires in. I used U2's NY last time I broke in speaker cables ,leaving it on repeat for a week.

Sean, nice post......I just use a cheap 100wpc receiver and a couple of 8 ohm 225w load resistors to break in speaker wire for thirty days and nobody has complained yet.....The MOBIE uses a 10,000 ohm load and 15v 1K square wave and it works great on interconnects, but again the burn-in time is thirty days........Seems to be voltage over time that breaks things in rather than high current for a short run.......I've not had any cables revert to their original condition and normally package them up after thirty days and they could sit here for a while unused......
Abex: varied test tones will work better than music since music is not steady state in duration nor of consistent amplitude. Sean
Sean,geez! with all the cable you have I would place a few ad's to do some late summer cleaning! The only cable I went back to recently was a small run of Tara Labs TFA for Bass drivers. I really do not like Kimber,but I respect what Ray has done. Transparent is worst IMO. Very costly.

Yes,I believe your opinion on buring in cables. I always dealt with Copper until recently and it is much easier to burn in through regular music than Silver. Seems like silver really needs a burner to breakin. The thing which really made me shy away from silver is the high cost and it is not until I look into the ultra expensive Silver cables that I heard the results that I need. So I tried to Copper that gave me the HF extension that SIlver is able to achieve.

My own version of OTA comes really close and if I use Silver IC's with it I am quite satisfied with the playback I get.

I thought of getting a signal generator before and I shall be looking into getting one soon with a samll PS.Seems like a more effective way of doing burn in. I shall need more burnin capability when I go public with new IC's nad Speaker Cables. Silver I imagine I will burn in for 50hrs. before sending out.

Thanks for your opinions and idea's.They shall be invaluable for what I am planning.

There is much I want to discuss but right now we are trying to deliver product. Will get back to you A.S.A.P..