EMC-1 vs. Levinson 360s/Sony SCD-1

I've narrowed my digital Redbook front end down to two choices, both of which will cost me under $4K used. (The "under $4K used" is the important criteria here for me)

The current front-runner for me is a used/demo EMC-1 with the new 24/192 upgrade board at a cost of under $3,500 -- there's seems to be very wide concensus that this is one of the better Redbook players under $10K.

Choice #2 is my current Sony SCD-1 coupled with a Levinson 360s (which is also under $4K used, if you can find one).

I listen to a very wide range of music and have both tubes (Aranov) and SS (Classe 301)amps with a Placette Active Line Stage. Whereas, I realize that few of us have a chance to hear the new upgraded EMC-1, comparisons to the older model are also fine. And if you've listened to another DAC in the $4K used range with the Sony SCD-1 and you liked what you've heard, then please comment.

I've ruled out the following: (probably the best -- DCS - but too expensive, even used). MSB Platinum (sounded a little dark to me, as if it was taking something away when trying to get rid of the digital edge. Mephisto II (dealer who sells both says the the new EMC-1 is equal/better and a whole lot cheaper).

I think many of us are sitting on the fence a little with respect to choosing between a good one box player (EMC-1, Audio Aero, Mephisto II, Meridian, etc.) and the better transport/DAC combos (Levinson. DCS, Wadia, etc.)-- which to me, seem a bit pricey considering the quality of the very best one box players.

Pls1, who has done a lot of comparisons in high end digital, posted in another thread that he thought the differnces were very subtle between some of this high end stuff, sometimes just 5% or so -- has anyone else done extensive listening/comparisons? --Lorne
Hello Lornecherry

I have just compared the EMC-1 (with standard converters) with the SAT CDFIX and Metaxas Phos and found both of the to be better players. I have also do some listening to the ML 39 and 36 and I would dare to say that both of are better than any of the before mentioned players. Even without having heared it A/B in same system.
The ML seemed to get the silence much more right and the in charge feeling no matter how complex the music was, could not be copied by either of them.
The 24/96 bit version has to be not only little better than the standard to reach the ML level.


Lorne - while this could be construed as somewhat off topic have you examined the possibility of modding the Sony? There seems to be a few people in the marketplace (Richard Kern, Dan Wright, Ric Shultz - no slight intended if I missed someone...) who have received accolades for their work. I realize that the resulting warranty issues are a concern (I am struggling with the idea of having my SCD-C333Es modded myself) but possibly this avenue will provide you with what you are looking for at a significant reduction in expense against the addition of a ML DAC...
I've come to the conclusion that a one box system is the way to go for me. I have the SCD-1 and recentlysold my Dodson. I'll wait until the next generation of SACD boxes, Classe, krell, Accuphase come out. Meanwhile, I find myself listening more and more to LP. given the lack of SACD software.

Lovin' my Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 CD player- closest to analog I have heard- incredibly natural, plus the volume control lets me go straight to amps. Its a great one-box solution for me anyways. Good luck!
Lorne, I would urge to go to the Ayre.com web site and just read the reviews on the Ayre D-1. I believe you will be extremely impressed. I just bought a new one but I do not have it hooked up yet. I hope to have it running this weekend. I know you but it new for 4000. Rivercitylad