Has anyone demoed Audio Teknes cables?

I saw a pair of these for sale and the seller claimed they were better than ensemble dynaflux.... I was considering purchasing Dynaflux so an opinion would be appreciated.

I have not heard the IC's, but the speaker cables are very nice indeed; I cannot speak of the Dynaflux as I haven't heard them.
Ensemble has much better buld quality, resale and sound much better. And yes I have used both
the Audio Teknes speaker wire is superb, I am not familiar with the Dynaflux but it must be very good to beat the AT.
For what its worth, I have some experience with the ensemble and the audiotekne, though it is limited. I have had the audiotekne interconnects and used them for about a year and a half. I have had the speaker cables for about 3 years. The interconnects I replaced with the HMS which I found to have more 'punch' though the audiotekne were very musical, they were a bit layed back in my set up. I have a friend who continues to use them with great effect and is very fond of them. I used the ensemble gigaflux digital cable and found it to be quite inferior to the hms cord. The speaker cables I continue to use and have not considered any such change. They are superb. The build quality is excellent. The biggest downside I believe is that they are from a small manufacturer in Japan and thus not widely known. This is a big downside when it comes to resale. If you think you are likely to change frequently I would be careful. On the upside you can usually get them for a good price used. Hope this is of help. I have no business interest in any of this.