Bob Bundus was wrong.

He said the Wattgate recepticle was like a "$10,000.00 upgrade. Its more like a $5,000.00 - $7,000.00 upgrade.
Hi Bob.
Review DVD Audio , Wattgate digital connection , VD Nite front END, Wattgate Classe Connection Nite VD, Wattgate {2}, 3 VD Nite's for 3 discrete dedicated line playback.

The Band was in my house. Richie Blackmore says hello.

Have to give a serious thumbs up to the Wattgate's.

Hi Mike !
Speaking of Watergate. Nixon used Wattgate outlets too. If you listen to the tapes the detail and soundstage depth is amazing!
Darrylhifi - I think the simple explanation is that Bob was referring to the full retail upgrade while you may be recommending the upgrade based on Audiogon pricing. Come to think of it, maybe Bob's 10k was official pricing of his Accuphase and yours is gray market... Or maybe...
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