Most Sublime Beethoven Symphony

I am not an expert, but to me, the Beethoven Symphonies are divine.

I have especially enjoyed listening to the 3rd, 6th, and 9th and have a couple of versions of each floating around in my collection.

Perhaps they are just to my taste, but I seem to discover new things about them that draw me back again and again long after I have tired of other "classics".

A friend of mine who knows a lot more about music than I recommends Von Karajan highly, but I would love to hear from any of you regarding your thoughts on the best symphony, conducter, recording, performance etc. Would you agree that there is something very special about these works?

Any Beethoven gurus out there? Please give us your expert advice and opinions. Thank you.
I have about 8 different recordings of the 6th Symphony
(including the one by Reiner). The one I like best is the one by Karl Boehm with the Berliners; the Karajan is too fast. On the other hand I don't like Boehm's 5th, but like
Karajan's/ And, Karajan's 1962 recording of the 9th is the
best I've heard. Caveat: I'm not a musicologist or guru; I just know what I like.

Also listen to the Pollini/Boehm 4th Piano Concerto.

The Triple Concerto is a truly wonderful piece of music. I have the recording by Anda/Fournier///Can't remember the rest, but if you're interested, can send you the LP info.
Beethovens music is the only music that has moved to think that God was holding the composition pen directly as the notes were being put down. It is amazing to think that Beethoven reportedly labored over his compositions. You would think that his creations came forth with the ease which Bach, Teleman and Mozart displayed when composing.

I agree with the Kleiber and Gardiner rec's as being the most inspirational performances and from different performing practices to boot.

I hope that the conductor "Karl Boehm" mentioned here is the one I know - "Karl BOHM" (1894 - 1981).

For "sublime" performances, I will second Greg's suggestion. Just a FYI, some of those recordings are mono.

I recently listened to Schuricht's and Abendroth's performances, both of them demonstrated their unique readings of Beethoven's Symphonies.

Happy Listening.

Also recommended listening are Beethoven's "Choral Fantasia" and his 2 masses.

BTW Karl Boehm IS Karl Bohm