High Quality Passive Preamp Recommendtion

Please recommend some high qulity passive preamps or buffered preamps you have come across, especially those can be found in secondhand market.

Ric Schultz's site says that their "Ultimate Attenuators" have been temporarily discontinued. No news when they will begin making them again.

As for "high-quality" passives, the best that come to mind are the Placette, FT Audio, Morrison ELAD, and Belles has the GR-8. You could start a fairly ugly fistfight between owners of the first three as to which is best, all have a very dedicated/fanatical following. I don't think many people have ever really had two of them in their house at the same time, so opinions are highly subjective. But, most of them have stopped looking after plugging one into their system. Like anything in this hobby, it's a matter of personal taste.

I haven't heard much about the Belles, it's fairly new, but their amps are highly regarded and I doubt they would squander their reputation at this point.
#1 Placette audio will go for arround $1400
#2 www.marchandelec.com kit or assembled -- make up your budget on that.
#3 www.dact.com -- the best parts for active or passive preamps for today.
#4 Consider #3 to be the best way to get the best passive preamp.
ric will tell you he is going back into production of the passive attenuators this week
You can forget all these above mentioned choices in MHO! For the money, performance, build, etc, you absolutely can't beat the Pass Labs Aleph L and Aleph P passive/active preamps!!! If you only need RCA in's/out's, then the Aleph L is all you need (and one sells on Audiogon right now, just listed, for $850!!!...was $2k). If you need balanced in's/out's, then the Aleph P is what your after! (one selling from a store with remote for $2300 on Audiogon currently!)
I've tried quite a lot of different passive unit's over the years, and these make the most sense!..and sound world class!(virtually not there!...and resolution a plenty). They're also build like a tank!! These Pass preamps are completely passive, until you get some way up the volume control, then active circuit kicks in!...still sounding terrific! I've, again, tried quite a few world class preamps, and these are the only solid state passives I'd consider if It were my money! Have fun...
I would recommend the Adcom 750. You can run it passive or active. You can find it for a nominal :)) price on A'gon. Sometimes I find the active does sound better, parties and such, old vinyl recorded at low levels, and so on. Plus it has a good remote. Still a Stereophile A rated, but what self-respecting tweak would buy Adcom?? Listen for yourself....