What is your best kept secret in mid-fi?

We all come across some enlightening revelations as we strive for what this sonic nirvanah promises, and think to us, I wish I had known this t h e n (especially before we spent umpteen thousands on ?). If you have keys to good sounds for all to enjoy (affordable), it's satisfying to share them, and is educational to the readers.
Amongst the many already mentioned, a couple that were big improvements in my system.
1. Shielded power cord for the CD player.
2. Separate dedicated AC outlet for CD player.
3. Clean CD's with mold release remover.
Geez,I would tell you,but then it would no longer be a secret!LOL

No one yet has said that--sorry ,I thought it would be a wise statement.
Acme Audio's silver plated and cryogenically treated outlets provided the biggest bang for the buck in my own system.
Nearfield triangle away from front wall, dedicated lines, Canare starquad cables, my own (ErnieM) PCs.