DVD A Sacd or Stay put for a while

Sorry if this issue has been beaten to death but... I have a Nakamichi MB-10 that I use as a transport (Digital out) to a MSB Link 3 with upsampling. Sound is good at least I am happy however I view the Nak as the weak component in my system. What I am wondering is if I would notice a difference with any of the new formats ie DVD-A or SACD. I hate to admit it but I like a cd changer for the convience any suggestions?

system is
B K Ref 20
Nak mb-10
MSB Link 3 with upsampling option
Mesa Boogie Baron
Sonus Faber Concertinos
Rel Storm
Send your MSB Link DAC to Stan Warren for modification. For a couple hundred bucks the improvement over a stock unit is amazing. Then you can wait longer for the format war to shake out.

Stan can also modify a $90 Aiwa CD changer into a killer transport for about $130.

After reading some negative postings here,concerning SACD,
I feel that you think about what happens, if all of us
think "I will wait and see what happens......". There is
a concept called 1/n, where 1 stands for the individual,and
n stands for all other people. According to the theory connected to the concept,we tend to get the illusion or misconception that what I do,buy or the way I act, doesn´t count, simply because the other people are so many.But the n consists of 1+1+1+...
Thus, the success or failure of a new audio-medium, depends
on the interaction between producers and consumers.Nobody can be forced to buy a new product, but we who bought the
new format,also supported it, and may have some credit if it

To Edle,perhapes the most effective way to refute your statement about Sony,is to ignore it!

To Soix,how can you be so sure that the performence curve
will be so steep? With multichannel SACD players now beeing (almost)compulsory,I was happy that I bought a 2-channel player,in time,because manufacturers tend to try to save some money on component quality.More components, generally speaking, means poorer quality.(BTW: Don´t know how many NE 5534 op-amps I have seen,even in expencive gear)

I have all but the muti-channel SACD - I have a great cd transport/dac for regular (Electrocompaniet-Kora Hermes DAC). I have a Sony 333 SACD changer and it is fun but most software is limited. The Sony 777 I had before had problems - the real fun is with the DVD - Audio multi channel. The Panasonic DVD H 2000 - a great DVD/CD and DVD-A player. I am not saying it is perfect but makes things so cool in the multi channel and has different software that I like to listen to and do not always have already like most SACD titles. I am sure the SACD multi channel will be as interesting. Wait a while as several companies are coming out with combo players (even in changer form )that will expand your music interest and give you more options.
I was in the same boat; trying to decide what to do....SACD
or wait it out? I just bought a Sony SCD C333ES and it
sounds great! Like you, I enjoy the convenience of a
changer, and the Sony fits the bill nicely. Better hurry,
though, the 333's are discontinued and getting hard to find.
Some quick thoughts, none of them original:
1. I guarantee that if we all wait to see which format survives, none of them will.
2. Anyone who doesn't hear the difference between SACD and CD shouldn't bother spending any more money on audio equipment.
3. SONY is an odd company. Now and again they build something special. After 700-800 hours, my SCD-1, which I use as a CD transport via its digital output, is starting to sound a whole lot like a classic. Certainly it is good enough to convince me to sell my Levinson transport, which was damned good itself. Could SONY build a better SACD player for $500 in a year or two? Maybe. But can SONY, or anyone else, build a comparable CD transport for that money? When pigs fly--build quality doesn't come cheap.
4. Universal players? They're always just around the corner. But how much compromise of quality will they involve? And for what--SACD availability is gradually getting better, but DVD-A? That's a joke,and will remain so as long as you can't even play one without a TV monitor.