What Cartridge Would Make the Best Match?

Here is my system:

Rega P-25 turntable
EAR 834p phono stage
Audio Analogue Maestro CDP
Unison Research UNICO integrated amplifier
REL Strata III subwoofer
Spendor 2/3 speakers

I listen to classical and jazz.

What would be the best cartridge for my Rega P-25?

I'm willing to spend up to $750 for a new cart in order to get the best match.

Many thanks for your advice.
I don't know for sure about the *best match*, & I'm not a cartridge expert. However I've been using an original H.O. Benz Glider with my P25 for several years. I think it sounds great--it's definitely made me a Benz fan. Think about it--Swiss made, always well reviewed; I've never seen a review of a Benz cartridge that was less than enthusiastic. Signature Sound is a Rega dealer--& Rich the owner can give you some informed advice. Good luck!