What Cartridge Would Make the Best Match?

Here is my system:

Rega P-25 turntable
EAR 834p phono stage
Audio Analogue Maestro CDP
Unison Research UNICO integrated amplifier
REL Strata III subwoofer
Spendor 2/3 speakers

I listen to classical and jazz.

What would be the best cartridge for my Rega P-25?

I'm willing to spend up to $750 for a new cart in order to get the best match.

Many thanks for your advice.
My personal experience:

Very good match : Clearaudio Aurum Beta S MM $500 retail.
Excellent match : Benz Glider Series II MC low or medium output $795 retail, $600 with Benz trade, $650 with other cartridge trade.
Outstanding match : Benz Woodbody L2 or M2 $1295 Retail, $800 with Benz Trade, $1000 with other cart trade.
Benz Glider preferably high or medium output.
Benz M series may be much better if you will find a great deal from overseas.

I believe the EAR 834p is available in MM-only or MC + MM versions. Which does he have? If it's the MC version, how much gain does it provide.

Don't we need to know that before tossing out cartridge recommendations?

Let me know if I'm all wet.
Dougdeacon said it right!

I have an 834P which does have MM/MC but some models don't. BTW, great little units. Especially after modifying. I have not tried a MC with mine, however I have not heard any positive reports from folks who have. Seems that the transformers built in are not all that great. I plan to use an external stepup when I get around to it.

If you want an MM that's tough to beat I can recommend the Shure V15VxMR. There was a place selling these for around $200. Here's a link: